Draconic Control

by pain42 on 14 March 2015

Main Deck (60 cards)

Sideboard (15 cards)

Creatures (1)

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Deck Description

This is my working list for a (hopefully) competitive Temur Control deck. So far testing against current (pre-DTK) Abzan grindhouse, Red Deck Wins, and Temur Combo have been reasonably successful. Deck works to one-for-one your opponent into late game through the combination of counterspells and burn, and then go for the win using Thunderbreak Regents and Sarkhan Unbroken as primary beaters.


First FNM Tournament 4/3/2015 -- Second Place (4:1)
Round 1: 2-0 against U/R dragons (game one-mana hosed, poor guy just couldn't get the blue he needed to play, game 2 was pretty even, multiple thunderbreaks and sarkhan put me over the top for damage output and got me the win).

Round 2: 2-0 against Jeskai Tokens (Ugin takes it game one, Kiora emblem off and three turns of kraken generation broke his deck to little bits).

Round 3: 2-0 against Red Deck Wins (almost had me game on, but coursers and some lucky burn pulls manage to hold me out for a late game Dragonlord Atarka to show up and lock down the field, game two boarded out the reality shifts and disdainful strokes to board in roast and the two extra anger of the gods and he stood no chance.)

Round 4: 0-2 against Temur Midrange (Mistcutters are no fun lol).

Round 5: 2-0 against Sultai Control (game one: counter with scorn, counter with scorn, counter with dissolve, scry into dissolve, (repeat dissolve scenario turn 4), counter Tasigur with third dissolve, after that he just couldn't get his feet under him. won game two on third turn of overtime with Ugin and Atarka on the board)


Second FNM Tournament 4/10/2015 -- 4th place

Round 1: 1-2 against B/W Warriors-- Game 1 win off a mull to six, spot removal eventually pushed through to a thunderbreak for the win. Game 2 Thoughtsieze T1 gets my Anger of the Gods, aggro eventually takes me due to mana flood of the wrong colors. Game Three T1 Thoughtsieze AGAIN gets my AotG, turn two Thoughtsieze takes my Sarkhan Unbroken, and I don't draw land number four until ~turn 7.

Round 2: 2-0 against White Weenies. Game 1 was a stomp due to opponent mana flooding. Game 2 was much closer, with him pressuring me down to ~10 life, however a top-decked anger of the gods put him down and he was unable to recover.

Round 3: 2-0 against Bant Manifest. Both games here were a stomp, although he did better on Game 2 due to a T1 Warden of the First Tree. Which did considerable damage until i was able to get kiora down to lock it up. Kiora-->Krakens=good times for me and bad times for my opponent.

Round 4: 2-0 against Jeskai control. This was a fun matchup, Game One he almost took the game by storm with a T2 Soulfire Grandmaster that put him up to somewhere around 40 life and me down to around 8, eventually a landed Courser of Kruphix started to put me back up on the life scale, while a landed Draconic Roar knocked his Soulfire Grandmaster into the yard. Eventually a late game Thunderbreak Regent followed by a Dragon Token from a resolved Sarkhan Unbroken the next turn take the game into my favor. Game 2 was a lot of trading counters, but a Sarkhan Unbroken resolved relatively early in the game pushed damage through hard. The win came later after a boardwipe and a magma jet knock Sarkhan and his Dragon into the yard on my opponents' part, followed by me resolving Ugin the following turn and pushing for the win.

How to Play

Pretty standard control layout, though unfortunately lacking a good blue boardwipe, though with a few more creatures (Coursers for lifegain, wincons through Thunderbreak, Atarka, Ugin, Sarkhan, and occasionally Kiora). Goal is to prevent your opponent from playing anything, made easier through the presence of the new strictly worse Counterspell, Silumgar's Scorn, which acts as Counterspell as long as you either have a dragon in hand or on the field, and to burn or exile any creatures that stick.

Sideboard currently operates with lockdown (Encase in Ice, Mirror Mockery) and bigger removal (Perilous Vault, Roast) for Abzan and two additional Anger of the Gods to be sided in instead of Disdainful Stroke against RDW. Monastery Siege can go in against abzan or other control mirrors as removal deterrent or as an additional draw engine.

Been playing around with Display of Dominance in the sideboard as a two of against U/B control and potentially U/W control (if it ever takes off, which i'm expecting as a likely possibility.)

Definitely looking for thoughts or suggestions, not used to building control but I'm gonna give it a swing this rotation, so if any of you control builders have tips they are very welcome.

Here are the lists I've been testing against...


Update: Encase in Ice and Mirror Mockery out for 3x Destructive Revelry and 2x Whelming Wave. The DRevs went in for matchups against GW devotion, any Whip-utilizing decks, and U/W Myth Realized decks. Whelming Wave in for extra board wiping goodness.

Update: Monastery Siege out for extra Treasure Cruise (Just really wasn't great as a card selection engine, and wasn't particularly helpful as a 1of against abzan control).

Update: -2 Treasure Cruise, +2 Dig Through Time (Instant speed makes a big difference).

Update: Mainboard: +2 Dissipate, +1 Dragonlord Atarka, -1 Draconic Roar, -1 Disdainful Stroke, -1 Temur Charm
Extra counterspells made the game against G/R aggro a lot smoother, extra dragonlord also to aid with that matchup and to help further enable silumgar's scorn and draconic roar.

Update: Sideboard: -1 Roast, -2 Whelming Wave, +1 Perilous Vault, +2 Display of Dominance.
Roast comes out mostly to even up numbers and having the two extra counterspells in the board has been tending to be more relevant in a lot of matchups (especially against other dragon-heavy decks), which is why Stroke and Charm remained in the board. Whelming Wave has been unfortunately underwhelming (pun intended). Perilous Vault +1 due to necessity of extra boardwipes, and Aetherspouts sucks as an alternative. Sultai matchup on 4/3 really reminded me of how distasteful I find having to deal with Ashiok, +2 Display of Dominance to stick it to the Nightmare walker should we ever cross paths again.

Thanks for taking a look. Suggestions are very welcome.

Deck Tags

  • Temur
  • Control
  • Standard
  • Dragon

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 3,417 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Not Legal in Modern
  • Not Legal in Vintage
  • Not Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Draconic Control

this list is great. with silumgar's scorn really being counterspell, I think I would run 1 more to go to 4, and maybe 2 stormbreath main he can be a hose.

Posted 13 April 2015 at 18:15


Let me start by saying thank you for your input, i'm always looking for ways to improve my game and getting suggestions are the best way to do that.

i'm not gonna put two stormbreaths in, i did do some testing with them though, pushes me a little too far into the midrange end of the pool, and having the dissipates instead makes a big difference. But i might put one in though to placehold until i get my hands on a second Atarka.

I used to run 4 of the Silumgar's Scorns as well in the early phases of testing, but i'm not running enough dragons to have them consistently be Counterspell (probably would want to have 8-10 dragons for that), and i've played a couple times at FNM where they've ended up being Force Spike as is with three of them, which is partially why I'm adding a second Dragonlord Atarka when I can get my hands on one.

Posted 13 April 2015 at 18:25


ok that does sound good, I missed that you were going to do another dragonlord. yes the stormbreaths do push the mana curve quite a bit, I was thinking more dragons would be good with the cards you run that rely on them. honestly this is my favorite control deck ive seen for the new set, and your deck descriptions and sb tech help to understand what you are aiming for. sad the stormbreathes didn't work out during playtesting, but it seems you have enough answers already to make them unneeded

Posted 13 April 2015 at 19:01


I've got to say it really is a lot of fun to play, the only real issue i sometimes run into is playing my coursers (the double green tends to be tricky in some games, even though i'm running more green than i should be lol). but i definitely recommend giving it a playtest or two, and if you're looking for a standard deck that's reasonably strong and most people won't be expecting for Game day this could be your ticket

Posted 13 April 2015 at 20:20
