This deck looks pretty epic. only probem is the lands. 22 lands is a no no! youre better off pushing it to 25 and mb aetherling!
incase the game delays and the guy keeps boardwiping assemble would be good. its also not as slow as you think. 4 turns after assemble drops, with purphorus on the field, they should be dead. also leigon's initiative would be epic being able to blink your non creature tokens dealing extra damage if purphorus is on the field. it also pumps your creatures. id probably take out 2 guttersnipes and 2 onslaughts. but its totally up to you.
assemble the leigon works awesome with purphoros
aha i see, have u played with this deck yet, and if so, how is it going?
Will do! Thanx!:)
i am currently running staticasters in my sideboard which is better than electrikery in my opinion. Pillar is such a great card but almost impossible to get hold of, so is mizzium mortars. but if i come across any then i will add then no doubt!!:) Thanx for the suggestions:)
Is quicken just there for the draw?
I'll drop the brimstone volleys and a chandra! As long as I get to keep ogre in!:)
i shall do that.:)then maybe the ogres once hellrider cycles?
Yes riot control is awesome!!! I was thinking of sideboarding 3.
Yes I do! And I don't want to add a pricy card if its gonnna cycle!:)
Ogre battledriver would be the best support character in this deck!
yes! Epic right?:)
Yes I am considering angelic accord but I have noo idea what to take out!!:(
But then I wouldn't be able to pull a turn 3 or 4 9/9 voracious wurm!:(
Thank u!! I can get hold of them but I just wouldn't know how many of each!
4 shrieking affliction, trust me bro!
Thank u!!:). Yess I do want to keep it standard, I will add in cathedrals for now but I'd like to put soulmender back when they cycle! I will add 4 Alive//well in here. I totally forgot about that card! Thanx once again!
I really appreciate what you're doing!:) it would be awesome if you could check out my deck and give constructive critisism!
Dude you're so genius, like no one on this page thought of that!O_O
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