Good suggestions. I'll move counterspells to the sideboard and add Bant Charms and replace Angelic Benediction with Ardent Plea (Excellent suggestion here). I don't like Steel of the Godhead. I don't have any white/blue creatures other than Rhox War Monk and it has lifelink already.
Err... Standard
Thank you.
The Ghastlord of Fugue effect doesn't activate Megrim although it is a strong card for this deck. Thoughtseize and Distress are good ideas. Check out my Discard deck.
This deck is block legal. Unfortunately high tide isn't something that can be done.
I like the dual strategies for winning, both faeries and milling. You might have trouble getting started as it seems your one and two drops will help mill your opponent but don't offer much in the short term (although I like diabolic edict, it might not be enough). You might want to flatten your mana curve a little bit. Please comment on my Economy Bant deck.
Dear God this deck is evil. Does it ever get boring just massing rats though? Check out my Economy Bant deck, rate and leave a comment please!
This deck might have trouble with intense aggro. Otherwise it seems like a very strong deck. Comment and rate my Bant deck. Thanks!
Damn you're rich as hell. Planeswalkers own but they're expensive. Check out my Bant deck.
I like this deck. Consider dropping undermines for cheaper countermagic. Please comment on my deck "Economy Bant". It's a strong deck without rares.