You've got eight Kobold Overlords in there. Maybe some spot creature removal? Lighning Bolts and the like. Or another win condition which I remember hearing about with Kobolds: Manabarbs. Drop your buffing creatures, then Manabarb and drop your Kobolds for free.
That's not a bad idea, especially if you toss in an Ajani Goldmane or two to add to the life gain. And if the game drags on, go for the giantlife/giantlife avatar. Maybe don't drop the Students, just because they're a good one drop and mana dump, something with which to start. I'd probably add more Students, since they can soak extra mana and keep up as the game progresses. Then again, I've been looking at older decks lately for inspiration, and I've been a huge fan of Sligh, and figure that even if you don't go for red, you can still apply that idea to use your mana better each turn. Right now, your only one drops are Origin Spellbombs, your Basilisk Collar, and and the Students. And the Collar isn't really usable until turn three at the earliest, since you've got to get a creature down, the Collar down, and then you've got to equip it before it can be much use. Swords are turn four at the earliest, at least without acceleration. The recursion facet of the deck is a turn eight occurrence at the earliest, and something I'd not necessarily count on seeing very often. Also, the removal feels a little limited, since it's just the Collar and your Journey to Nowhere. Yeah, you can sideboard in some removal, but what about something like a Day of Judgement to Wrath the board and give yourself some extra time to see your Titans hit the board and start swinging big.
I like the Exarch addition, but every time I draw a sample hand, Sun Titan feels like a dead card off the bat. That's 8 turns with no acceleration if you hit your land drop every turn. The Titans seem like a two of at most. I'd probably also drop the Transcendent Master count and up the Student of Warfare and Exarch counts.
Ok, you made your point. Not sure I agree, but I get it. I'd probably throw those in the sideboard, because you do have a good reason with what's already in there. I get that you'd rather thin out your deck than topdeck a land mid to late game, but you've already got the Stoneforge Mystics and the Squadron Hawks for targeted thinning. It doesn't seem like you really have enough land to support the Sun Titan, never mind four of them. You've got fifteen lands you plan on keeping. To hit your land drop every turn? Tough. That's half your deck's land. In a sixty card deck, even with the fetchlands, getting enough Plains into play to start recurring creatures with Emeria seems... difficult. Why not halve the number of Emeria and replace them with Plains?
I've noticed the tendency in mono color decks to put in cards like Marsh Flats or Arid Mesa and other fetchlands. My question is: why? Tectonic Edge I get. Just a bad Stripe Mine, and those were always cool. Emeria is understandable, but Marsh Flats in a deck like this isn't just pointless, it's counterproductive. They are taking up space that would be better used by just slotting in a basic land.