explain how vector asp is a bad card.
Decimator Web...Core Prowler...and 4 x Go for the Throat maybe instead of Spread the Sickness (since it is so expensive mana-wise).
Yeah I will definitely replace Hexmage with Phyrexian Crusader for the first strike option and then probably toss the tainted Strikes. Spread the Sickness looks like a possible replacement for a couple of doom blades...and I'll probably toss the runic putrescence for Steel Sabotage. mmm inkmoth nexus...I agree!
I would definitely use Skith, but I wanted to test this out first next week...also, Corpse Cur is great to recall ichor rats or something else giving a direct poison, but at 4 mana, I wanted something quicker.
I added Hexmage to counter First Strike Creatures ie the idea is with a few Hand of Praetors out, I can "surprise" them with a first strike infecter they were not expecting. Plus, it works wonders for Planeswalkers, which instantly die. So while I agree, the deck should work fast enough with small creatures, it always helps I think. Also, I haven't seen much in the way of artifact destruction yet, but it's a good point.