Seems like she likes death touch I would consider Midnight Charm, it's great to give a death touch creature first strike. It's really cheap too!
Thanks for helping me out! And just casual and don't worry about the price, I'd love to see your suggestions
Have you considered splashing black? You can get some pretty great infect cards like, hand of praetors, phyrexian crusader, or even glistening oil. Either way though inkmoth nexus would be fantastic here. Putrefaction could also be really good, he can finish out games for you pretty well. Nice deck!
Take a look at my exalted deck if you want some more ideas, it's worked pretty good for me. Good deck!
Seems pretty good some other elves I would consider are ambush commander, elvish archdruid, or elvish champion. You migh also consider throwing Nissa in here she is awesome with elf decks. Elvish promenade would also be nice.. And a card that's always works for me is coat of arms, it's just great with these types of decks. Just some thoughts!
Thanks guys for the tips! I've been thinking a lot of what you said about more mana ramp, and I definitely agree. My original idea was to have some but to survive through Control with all of the instants and sorceries I have in. After reviewing the deck list again if I wanted to add the extra cards for the mana ramp I would have to either get rid of a lot of dragons or planeswalkers, and even though it would probably work a bit better it just wouldn't be as much fun haha. So what I did is that I got rid of 2 planeswalkers and a dragon and added Attarkas command, allowing me to play an extra land. I thought this would be a good compromise. Let me know what you think!
Nope I am open to pretty much anything
Im not sure if you want this to be a discard deck or a mill deck it seems like you're in the middle making it so that neither work very well
Help Appreciated!
Yeah for sure, thanks for the tips! I just think it'd be totally hilarious though if I have trostani out and play tree of redemption and gain 13 life just like that haha
You know i actually had it like that before hahah. But I thought it was just simpler to have the two colors. Thanks though! Also what do you think of wall of essence I'm thinking about putting it in but I don't know what to take out, any help would help, thanks!
Please Comment with any suggestions! Thanks!
Any suggestions are appreciated!
Suggestions are appreciated
Any suggestions you have are really appreciated
Thanks for the tips!
Nice check out my planeswalker deck
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