If you consider using more red try out Thunderous Might, as it buffs red insanely and Xenagos' buff is based on power not toughness so a combo of the two is really painful (particularly with Two-Headed Cerberus and double strike)
Are you able to untap Desecration Demon in responce to them tapping it at the start of combat and then attack anyway? (using savage surge or burst of strength) If so its a great way to pisss people off and make them sac creature and then smash them anyway. Not shure why this deck needs Vraska (even though she's awesome)
Id drop Wee Dragonauts replace them with Delvers. Also have you looked at replicate cards? like Gigadrowse or Leap of Flame cause they let you spam cheap spells and max out you "spell buff" creatures. Also have you considered Fling in cases where you cannot attack directly (sideboard).
Maybe use Gideon's Lawkeeper (or Goldmeadow Harrier or both ) or Wall of Frost instead of wall of denial, use Imposing Sovereign (or if willing to splash out on mana Loxodon Gatekeeper) instead of Blind Obediance and Claustrophobia as it prevents aggressive haste creatures (or with Loxodon Gatekeeper **** them over) and replace Ghostly Flicker with Cloudshift. And if looking for another bomb creature consider Lorthos, the Tidemaker (epic tap ability to combo with sunblast)
Two words... Mogis's Marauder. He's another good stable (and cheap money wise) card that allows for a all out bomb intimidate attack and will let you stack up some zombies with Liliana's Reaver (replace Phenax with him and try sqeeze in some more Reavers). Also Contaminated Ground is a spiteful card that denies them mana colours and punishes them for expensive spells (and builds more devotion)
Or consider Contaminated Ground if your focusing on enchantments
If this deck is cereal (i dont think you are) add Master of Cruelties or Abhorrent Overlord along with some black removal, or Mogis's Marauder and Gray Merchant of Asphodel (give all your stuff intimidate or sap off tons of life)
I would probably remove Chromatic Lantern and Biff in rakdos cacklers so you can get Ordeal of Nylea really fast. (why did this deck have the Lantern's anyway it doesn't really need mana fixing) Possibly add Fireshrieker or Dragon Mantle (adds speed/card draw and the potential of epic damage). Otherwise nice deck, land removal is a bitch to fight against in any format (always remove their singles or mana fixing lands first).
Use more Aqueous Form and dump them on Nivmagus Elemental, Nivix Cyclops or Fluxcharger. Also consider Flamespeaker Adept and Magma Jet, the Adept with Aqueous Form is a hard hitter or without is a sneaky attack blocker (use Magma Jet and then block for essentially 5 damage)
If you focusing on that win combo use Shadow Alley Denizen and Rakdos Cackler (to keep attacking with intimidate), tearing them down to 10 ish (with ever growing Cackler) and then combo at turn 4 or 5 for the win (or less with other enchantment buffs). This also means you can dump the expensive green stuff or move them to other decks (also two mana type decks work alot better than 3 mana types)
I used to have a defender deck to and i think these could go well in here, Guardian of the Ages, Wall of Frost and Guardians of Meletis. Also dont be afraid to splash other colours cause with Gatecreeper vine and Axebane you can summon pretty musch anything (use gatecreeper to get gates of any colours you need). For example Returned Phalanx and Ogre Jailbreaker can both attack and be part of your defence. A secondary mechanic could be mill with Doorkeeper if you willing to go down that path.But most importantly add Aqueous Form to give that lovely Colossus instant win-ness
In that case consider using Down // Dirty (for dirty), Treasured Find (to get ANY card) or Midnight Recovery (with trample and discard allows constant discard)
Thanks will consider both its just i dont have much Theros yet but revelry looks really good. FYI I always run 20 lands in my decks and have never really run into any problems also when you consider Gatecreeper is essentially a land draw (and something to chumpblock and die for Nemesis)
Nah with Varolz, the Scar-Strip and Lotleth Troll (his win con) it should make things easier. Ie use Lotleth to end up with both cards in the grave (eg two Death's Shadow) can be scavenged onto Lotleth for only two mana.
I would personally replace with Rite of Consumption Essence Harvest and possibly add Rush of Blood so you can Harvest for 20 strait damage
I would probably take out Deadbridge Chant and add two more Jarad's Orders to prevent you losing/taking Death's Shadow or Force of Savagery from the grave. But otherwise really nice deck
Have you thought about Coordinated Assault or Dauntless Onslaught as triggers for Heroic? They act as good traps and can activate 2 heroics each when cast.
Mm you need a playset of labratory maniacs and stuff to retrieve tings from your grave turning it into an extension of your hand (nothing pops to mind at the moment)
You need to start slicing and dicing to try get as close to 60cards as possible also its beter to have many of one card than tons of different cards start with removing the following (as you can find much better cards) Korozda Monitor, Liliana's Shade, Markov Patrician, Roaring Primadox, Servant of Nefarox, Stonefare Crocodile, Terrus Wurm, Veilborn Ghoul, Wildwood Geist. My recomendation is to get more Morbid creature like Gravetiller Wurm and combo with creature sacrifice like dawntreader elk and Jarad ( tragic slip goes great with this combo as it can even take out indestructible creature like Avaycn)Also if your playing green you need mana ramp so thing about either elf ramp (based on Elvish Arch-druid) or gatecreeper vines or dawn treader elks. And you seem to be mostly in standard so try get rid of any out of standard cards like Syphon Soul, Rites of florishing, Reanimate and Rhystic Syphon this will allow you to play in in-standard tourdaments.
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