i like the deadly allure but the others not so much thanks for the input
How many you feel i should have (land that is)
i like the fact you have only one of each card i'm not sure how effective that will be, but i still like it.
I'm somewhat new to this site and magic, but the deck i just saw here is sick, i love it... who would know what to do, i mean if i'm reading right you give them a bunch of creatures then you punish them for all the creatures yougave them (dumbed down a little)
That primeval titan is a sick card and the knight emxplar is a card i want . Fuck yeah cool deck
very unfocused just trying to use what merfolk cards i have but yet make it playable
this would be one frustrating deck to play against
don't have the card but it would be cool in the deck
You think to many singles, what do you think i should have more of please elaborate....