Looks good with blue - green. I prefer more damage :P
I cannot wait to muster these hordes onto my opponents!Thanks again for your tips!
I gave yours a like!I did not knew it became unkillable. Therefor I removed him.With all the other buff cards I have surely this card will come in handy.
I sir,Considered your suggestion and came to the conclusion you are correct.I've added 3 extra to a total of 4.Re-reading this card makes me going to enjoy this deck so much more.
The gaurdians aren't good? I see them as some usefull defenders / blockers.
Hehe I could consider that :PJust for ze lolz :P
Looks fun to play, I suggest to add in some removals or counters because they are all 6 mana each and rush decks kill you by the time you can even start playing them :D
I like this idea allot! For the purpose of infinite loops not being legal at some points.I've done some research. You can check this link for more information. Here Wizards itself talk about infinite damage.Scratch this, i'm an idiot!*I would make some changes to the deck like 'Path to exile' Wich seems a bit better to me :D (Cheaper to)*
Lifelink and Lifegain.The title said that already :P Thanks for the info :D
Hi,I think your creature choice is not in synergy with each other. Don't know for sure but it doesn't feel connected.Mogg flunkies are bad because you need an extra ALWAYS, you don't always won't that extra. Bloodcrazed is useless as you Always need to cast a spell or something else. Goblin Guide would be better. Even with his side effect. Because it also could be a bonus. You know wich cards he is drawing. And if you attack 4 times you almost know his entire hand. Goblin burrows is not necessary. Also you need to up the lands to 20. Because you are using Goblin Caves, you are playing vintage or legacy. The reckless one and goblin warstrike are MUST haves! :D
Bigal1I've removed Krenko's command for a Reason. To make room for non token goblins wich work just as fine. Also give me abilities for the same mana cost.
Add in Geosurge if you like mana Tramp.Vexing Devil is wonderfull. If the player doesn't take 4 damage you will have a 4/3 creature on the battlefield for 1 mana. So its a cheap sorcery or creature either way.Icandescent soulstoke is rather pointless as you need to sacrifice your elementals at each end of turn. But if you are planning on using its ability allot, Then this is your key card!I like this deck. Looks like very intresting / fun to play. But has its dangers do to the sacrificing.
I think because It's not necessary to have on Krenko.In my goblin deck I'm left with no cards at T4-T5 because of low drops.I got no mana to spare as I only need 20 mountains.You own the field and when krenko joins its pretty much over.If he doesn't, The goblins will finish the job itself. Only slower.It would work, that's for sure. I think i'll have to test it out.
Felidar sovereign would make me add more lands.This deck puts it's focus more on gaining life, not on the amount of life you gain.Thus adding in felidar sovereign seems kinda pointless.