
1 Deck, 7 Comments, 0 Reputation

took out visionaries for olivia voldaren, considering next changes to make... could do with more non-creature spells. killing wave, etc maybe.

also considering removing the disciple. its an insanely powerful card, but its a win-more. and it does naff all if you topdeck it and have nothing on the board.

Posted 16 August 2012 at 09:11 as a comment on standard jund


put ancient grudge and torpor in sideboard. it is diluting your main-deck strategy.

get krenko and up your wardriver to 3 in maindeck. krenko's command 4 of too. remove the wellsprings.

arc trail would be good or flames of the firebrand as ways to deal with multiple creatures not including yours.

anyway, if you add krenko and krenko's command in main, you are capable of the following; t1 goblin arsenist, t2 krenkos command, attack for one, t3 goblin chieftain attack for eight, t4 krenko, tap for 5 goblins, attack for eighteen. just thought it might help :P

Posted 05 August 2012 at 12:34 as a comment on Goblins



if you want to stick with mainstream jund you could remove griselbrand (if you want, but he makes for a mean alternate win condition), gut shot (might wanna keep in, depending on your metagame, ie what everyone else plays), disentomb, reclaim, unburial rites (although you could keep one or two i for an alternate strategy, a plan b of sorts), mulch, trackers instinctsand pillar of flame. this frees up 17 slots (if you removed griselbrand, gutshot and unburial rites) or 11 (if you leave 'brand, gutshot and 2 rites in).

changes for mainstream jund would probably be a case of changing your sideboard as some could come into the deck. olivia and bonfire are dead-ringers for adding in to maindeck. rest i would do is just bulk up on all the other cards, like putting all cards up to 3 and 4-ofs.

Posted 31 July 2012 at 11:01 as a comment on standard jund


i also have a jund deck posted, can check each others for ideas if u want lol. :P

main question is, do you want to reanimate or play jund? (lots of awesome creatures a la huntmaster)
cos if u wanna reanimate id suggest taking out the mayor and/or noble and/or vexing devil for creature pulls, and disentomb and gut shot for spells. that frees up 13 slots. red has a few good cards for reanimating strategies in faithless looting and wild guess, cards that discard cards and draw cards. faithless looting draws 2 and discards 2, wild guess draws 2 but discards just the 1. red also has rummaging goblin - a 2R goblin who can tap to discard then draw a card. good for reanimation as you can dump the targets in the graveyard and keep reanimation. if you want to stick to reanimation, try and add in a couple more targets, maybe elesh norn, grand cenobite (bit pricey though).

Posted 31 July 2012 at 10:52 as a comment on standard jund


i have a low amount of forests because i have 7 mana producers in the deck and rootbound crag. :P

i dont really find i have mana problems tbh, besides if i am, turn three garruk fetches bop or scorned villager. :P

i like the specters ability to strip cards from the opponent with every attack but i was debating whether or not to use falkenrath aristocrat (the red black 4/1 haste dude) and/or olivia voldaren in the deck. if i was using either, specter would be gone and then possibly the nighthawk at a push. the disciple is absolutely in-friggin-sane. it makes the deck basically.

Posted 30 July 2012 at 21:06 as a comment on standard jund


ive been using disciple of bolas in a jund build and its been pretty nuts. might be good in combination with your token production of grave titan and talrand. another card i would recommend is shimian specter, also being used by me in a jund deck. why worry about bonfire if you remove them from your opponents deck, hand and graveyard? :P always wanted to use killing wave too as either choice your opponent makes for each creature benefits you. maybe it could replace the black suns zenith when it rotates?

Posted 29 July 2012 at 22:43 as a comment on Standard U/B control


any advice is welcome.

Posted 28 July 2012 at 17:22 as a comment on standard jund
