I also have a love/hate relationship with Mondronen Shaman...she seems like she is great in a game that has stalled, but she usually ends up getting killed before doing much damage. Part of the fun with Werewolves is the options...against some decks, Gatstaf Sheppard is just awesome, but too many people are playing green now.
Naturalize or Bramblecrush are both good options.
Put in 2 Pyreheart Wolf in place of 2 Searing Spear, awesome results so far, especially against Zombies and tokens.
My biggest critique is that a werewolf deck should be the aggressor, not defensive. This means that it functions better with burn spells as removal, especially instant speed so it can be cast on their turn. 4 Mayor of Avabruck make the deck just dirty fast and more consistent, and they don't cost much $. You also need a hammer, like Instigator Gang or Wolfir Silverheart, to provide a finishing blow. You should never need 4 Scorned villagers with the low curve of the deck, and 23 lands should be plenty. Your sideboard has to account for flying creatures, token swarms, and enchantments like O-rings. Check out my own werewolf build to compare: Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=402896 Good luck!
Great concept. I especially like the massive removal package in the sideboard, you may want a couple Tormod's Crypt in there as well.
Interesting and unique build. I'm not sold on the Cackling Counterpart because of the double U cost. You may want to use Supreme Verdict, Feeling of Dread or Azorious Charm as a way to stall an aggro deck until you get your engine working. I really think you need Farseek to help accelerate the deck and thin it out to improve your draws. Elvish Visionary, and Trostani, Selesnya's Voice could also see some real use in this build.
The biggest problem I see is hitting your curve if someone kills Arbor Elf, or you don't get a Farseek. I would consider a couple Restoration Angels in place of Hellkites or Manglers in main deck, since they curve out lower and have good synergy with 10 of your other creatures (including Hellkite). You could also look at Rakdos Keyrune main in place of a couple of the 3 drops. I like the concept...but it makes me miss Birds of Paradise just looking at it.
I absolutely agree Grove of the Guardian. I have a feeling that soon it will start seeing a lot of use in place of Gavony Township, especially with its potential in a WGU deck that utilizes sweepers to control the board. Paired with Trostani, the life gain/populate engine is pretty solid.
How about Revenge of the Hunted as a 1-2 of? If you wanted a cool sideboard trick, have some red and some Flings ready, they are dynamite with Wild Defiance and can help you push through an early stall with all of your pump. Definitely replace Joint Assault with Titanic Growth, and consider Unsummon as both an offensive and defensive option in your sideboard (especially against sweepers which won't specifically target your hexproofers). Good luck, I love the shell of this deck!
Thanks for the feedback. I have been wanting to work Pyreheart in, maybe I will look at bringing Daybreak Ranger in from the sideboard. I have been unable to make full use of Mizzium Mortars because the RRR overload is prohibitive, so I went back to Searing Spear for its ability to damage the player if necessary, but I think once Stomping Grounds is back I will make the Mortars a full time member. I think our meta may be a little different, but I love electrickery to set back decks that rely on mana dorks or Lingering Souls. I like the Garruk Relentless suggestion, but the Silverheart has provided a great foil to Thragtusk.
Centaur Healer and Restoration Angel are much better than Angel's Mercy. Ray of Revelation would be better than Paraslene in the sideboard.
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