Yay! A squee deck! Play set of Knollspine Invocations to abuse squee's ability to bounce from your graveyard, a couple of tarpitchers, you know, the usual Squee deck. Use and abuse cards which discard cards from your hand and kills your creatures for advantages over the opponent. Good luck with Squee!
First off the deck is very inconsistant having only 4 cards being in multiples. Sift is great and all but Harmonize is better. I would suggest taking out Naturalize for Gleeful Stabotage on side deck because not all decks play enchantments and artifacts. Sleight of Hand < Ponder take control of your future. Dream Fracture < Familiar's Ruse. Doesn't let the opponent make up for a lost spell and lets you replay a "come into play" ability. Coiling Oracle is great and etc. My 2 cents worth of ideas
Btw, just a thought, if you wanna be cheap, stick in Tatterkite so he can make use of Unstable Mutation and all those kinds of shinanigans XD
Anyone who plays against this auto wins. Why? Cause sideboard can only be 15 cards no more no less XD. Other then that, decent deck though personally I wouldn't play it. The croc has no synergy with the deck unless you add in cards which make the opponent's land an island so probably take them out for more Reins and Exhaustion and Abduction doesn't seem like a great card so more Mana Short to help with the beat down. My 2 cents worth of advice.
Meh, alright deck. It could do with more Panglacial Wurms and mana accell, maybe take out the Acid Moss for a playset of Llanowar Elves. A turn 2 Wurm is always nice, let's just put it in that perspective. And the more the merrier. The engine I would have suggested was Stampeding Wildebeests + Farhaven Elf + Wild Pair + Forcemage just because it's recurring and monocoloured. Besides, Green/Red Wild Pairing isn't for me. I rather White/Green splash Red (kithkin are so versitile XD)
I actually don't like it, I'm sorry to say. If you can have Forcemage's ability trigger first, then put Wild Pair's on the stack, it'll be pretty decent but if Wild Pair has to come first then it's utterly useless. Maybe Grinning fetchs a Hellkite but that's just about it -.-". But this is only if Forcemage's ability resolves first. Otherwise, it just looks like it's too much mana without much accell. Meh, my 2 cents worth of commenting. Maybe stick in Emblem of the Warmind to have fun w/ haste
Maybe think about throwing in a couple of Knollspine Invocations into your sideboard (love it with Demigod) but right now, it looks real nice.
I agree with Magicka, and also, it looks like there's no real purpose. You have the beginnings of a life gain deck so keep with that concept. In a 60 card deck, absolute minimum number of lands is 23 for a deck with no acceleration, standard amount is 25.
I'm sorry but this is a really low grade deck. Is this a first deck because it seems like it. No offense but you're playing 79 cards with 20 lands making it very inconsistant. I've only looked through half the deck because too many links to go through (my internet is slow as hell) and the concept is pretty solid. It's just too many key cards are 1 of a kind cards and too many rares at that too. Overall, make your deck more consistant.
Onimasha here!
I suppose that x4 rats is supposed to be x31? Anyway, this is definatly deadly looking now, no need for additional pump. Turn 1 win if you're lucky (swamp, ritual, ritual, ritual, ritual, thrumming stone, rats, take the 1 mana burn, swing for game turn 2). If you really want to, splash in green for accel and Wheel of Sun and Moon XD.
Dude! OMFG! This is crazy! I'm surprised you didn't put in a couple of Akromas, Angels of Wrath. I agree with the guy who talked about 4 Painter Servants to make this deck hate all decks but omfg dude, you really went all out black hate huh? Though you will find trouble against Faeries, Damnation running decks and any deck which isn't black right now (that's why you need Painter's Servant!). I don't see the point of white knight since he slows your curve, replace him with P.Servants.
Um...it actually says "If the kicker cost is paid, destroy all other creatures instead". I think the "Instead" part is not a way of discounting your creatures from the affect. It's a way to say "Don't use the previous ability, use this one". But that's how I look at it. Besides, even if you don't kill your own creatures, Thundercloud shaman is much more cheaper and easier to play
Looks like a cool deck but you do realise that if Phage is blinked or if someone puts persist on her with Cauldron and kills her before you get Angel out, you will lose. Try getting some Whispersilk Cloaks to counter act that.
ZOMG IT BURNS MY EYES! I'm sorry but no deck is good if it's an inconsistant deck without a goal. Decks need to be consistant and 1 of each card is not consistancy. I'm sorry but I agree with the other 2 guys. Pick something you wanna do (say in a Red/White you might wanna Burn and Gain life) and use combos which you know would work well (Burn Spells + Fuedkiller's Verdict).
You might want a couple of Thunder Cloud Shaman running about. Why you ask? Well, if you put Runed Stalactite on your stink drinkers, you end up having a Mass Calcify vs non-giants. Keep the Avian Changelings, but take out the Fire-Bellies. Put 4 Runed instead of the Fire-Bellies and pull the Desolation Giants in favor for Thundercloud Shamans. Des is great and all until you have to kill your dare devils and bannerets to get him out.
This actually does not have a lot of elf tokens. Better then Imperious is Pili-Pala + Presense of Gond + Rhys. Rhys 1st turn, Pili-pala 2nd, Presense on Pili-pala 3rd and 4 elves 4th turn. Then 5 elves for 9 5th turn and double on 6th for 18. Then double and double and double..... Also, Pili-pala helps with your mana fixing. But anyway, try for an Eyes of the Wisent. That way you can make sure that you have more control over the other player then they have over you.
Nice deck but I have to say, why Horde of Boggarts? 4 drop which automatically dies to a painter's servant. Switch them out for Caterwauling Boggart. Exact same mana cost but it states that all Goblins and Elementals get Horde's ability to have to be blocked by 2 or more creatures. Add that with Dolmen Gate and you're all set to attack each turn without bothering to check. Even better if you add in Everlasting Torment as well.
Giant Growth or Barkshell Blessing is actually very worthwhile. Say you attack with your Oversoul and then they block with a 4/4 Green Creature. You're gonna be kicking yourself if then they Giant Growth it and you can't. No matter what, although it's a one turn thing, it's worthwhile. And why 3 lieges but 4 cavaliers? Unless it's a card shortage, it should be the other way around. Heartmender + Cauldron is a nice combo which would find itself at home here for your bigger creatures.
Ah a lovely disable deck. I made one but mine is vastly different from this. For one, you don't have Grim Poppet + Torture combo however, you have a load more of disabling spells which can sometimes be much more deadly. This deck would be hard pressed to win on it's own though as there are only 4 creatures and there's no sort of turtoring. No direct damage spells either. Great as a Two Headed Giant deck (as many disable decks are) but not so smashing as a solo deck.
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