I think you answered everything I could have possibly asked, present and future. Invaluably helpful, Thank you so so much I also appreciate the advice on cuts you get kinda tunnel minded and love cards you should hate at times and it takes someone saying so before you actually see it.
I love putrefax for any infect, tangle anglers are grest too, also the rot wolf for card advantage, blight mambas are pain to deal with too
Add fetch lands to maximize crabs also any manna tutors, in your colors
Varloz scar striped lolteth troll reanimate slitherhead ... um maybe check out mine "growing grave" I got some cool ideas from yours maybe mine might help you.
I rely like this, found some ideas for my own golgari edh "growing grave"
btw I forgot a turn to lotleth with a slither on board then sacing and scavenging turn 3 is uber broke for this deck try to build to make that happen as much as possible.
I built something like this, the dregs n slither heads are bread and butter, try maybe sum sewer shamblers a vraska the unseen, dolfinatly two jarads n varloz. keep corpse jacks lotleths maybe more of the trolls, oh and two jarad orders and abrupt decay try to get as many of these in your deck (only 2 for legendarys and plainswalkers, and id sideboard 4 sluiceways.
Thank you, I accidently added 8 islands twice, I liked your deck but I think mine is just geared a different way I focus more on a creature heavy board that poses control abilities and bounce for board wipes. I guess my deck is more passive responsive. and its probably a weakness, but im just not a fan of the impermanence of enchantment based control. I really enjoyed your deck though and appreciate the constructive criticism, I suggest try drawing a sample hand from mine I doubt you'll be disappointed.
sword of b&m or f&I with the outfitters would be broke
blister pod or bloom tender, check out eldrazi's maybe something that will work in there
please suggest some land ramp, pref creature base or multifunctioning, also any large graveyard bombs im overlooking, your comments are appreciated just be nice please.