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Version 4.1 of Original Running With The Wolves deck
Protect, remove, populate, Awoo
This deck has been viewed 878 times.
NOTE: Set by owner when deck was made.
Suggestions:Removal package: Aura ShardsCard advantage: Rot Wolf (fight via your commander). Natural Order: (Sacrifice a wolf) Evolutionary Leap (Sacrifice a token) Tocasia's WelcomeWren's Run Packmaster: Including your commander you currently only have 3 elves in the deck to champion. Unless you want to eat the commander tax you likely won't be casting this guy. However if you trade out mana rocks for mana dorks (Elves) that would change. Token doublers:Nice effect but in most cases you are only getting one extra token here. How about going for token anthems instead:Inspiring LeaderIntangible VirtueHowlpack resurgence. a minor benefit of the change is getting you more spells to cast in the <4 CMC splot.(Edit: Hollowhenge overlord might be a flat out upgrade to the typical token doubler enchants for this deck, as it repeats). How about sword of Body and Mind instead of one of your higher CMC token builders.Silverfur partisan: You have no instant or sorcerers to target your wolves. Have you considered swapping out some of your instant/sorceries removal spells for "Fight" mechanics to trigger this? You could also get some triggers with card advantage spells like: Hunter's prowess, Souls Majesty and Hunters instinct.
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Beast Master Ascension would be a very effective finisher for a deck with doubling season and a bunch of creatures. You are in green, so getting trample shouldn't be too hard.Quest for renewal is also an option for the utility slot (Master of the wild hunt).
Ill be putting in a reply for the rest of the recommendations but i 100% forgot to add aura shards. I run it so often i didnt even see it missing. Explains why i couldnt find it when i was trying to dig for it!
ok so i made a few edits. Lands:Added Nykthos Shrine to Nyx, and Arena. I'm considering removing Selesnya Sanctuary for some other land. Double mana for a tap is nice, but it is a bounce land so it doesn't really offer an advantage. Could use some coaching there.Creatures:Added a few mana dorks, however, i do not mind eating the commander tax for wrens run packmaster. I definitely wish to have my wolves with death touch so i can yeet remove creatures not having to worry if they are big enough. Added rot wolfSilverfur partisan is just there for discouraging players from targeting me. However, the real threat is my commander, and I'm almost always met with board wipes as answers. Swap silverfur for beastmaster ascension?I would love to run Hollowhenge Overlord, and i do in the paper version of the duck i run, but this is specifically for MTGO.Fixes:Added aura shards cause for some reason it wasn't there. Previous iterations of this deck did use beastmaster ascension. I definitely won games because of it, but i don't know what to sacrifice anymore to make room for it. Maybe anointed procession?Also added 2 mana dorks replacing two artifacts that haven't really worked out for me, being mox opal and sol talisman. Artifacts:Sword of body and mind is already in the deck. did you mean a different sword?Thoughts on Aetherpool Reservoir? i only recently added it, and i really like being able to use the delete player option with all the life i gain lol. Questions:I just recently learned of the yavimaya+life and limb+ elesh norn grand cenobite combo. I generally do not like mass land destruction, and really don't forsee players sticking around once its on the field. Thoughts? Should i be that toxic? My greatest hate engine is always blue players so id like to play that to lock them out from blue shenanigans. But that's a little mean to my other opponents as well lol
strykerzero109 postsRe: The sword.I somehow missed it when I was commenting. Edit timer had already run out at that point.Re: Aetherlux ReservoirI've got a Focused Black/White Life gain deck I play a lot. With consistent life gain, your opponents are going to assume you have that in the deck and play accordingly. I don't think you are going to have the 50 life to use it once you have the mana to cast it (due to paranoid opponents focusing on you) and It will be a priority removal target if you cast it early. Its possible you can combo it with a mass token generating spell for life gain but that will be difficult (or super late game) with your current mana ramp package. You are also not really running much else in the deck that benefits from life gain effects, so it becomes a spell that ultimately might not actually do anything for you.Re: Mass Land DestructionA three card combo is a rough sell when you lack a significant number of tutors and some of the parts don't strongly synergize with other stuff. Other than that one combo, what other cards do the individual combo pieces synergize with?Regarding mass Land destruction in general, the "social contract" might make exceptions for mass land destruction effects when its asymmetric (ie your stuff doesn't get destroyed). Seleysna and Boros can accomplish this (but Naya does it even better) You have Avacyn in the deck to enable that as a win condition but there are only two tutors to find it (and what are the odds the opponents will let you keep it via threats undetected?). I don't know what options are available in MGO but I can think of at least 6 sorceries/instants in Seleynsa Colors (costing 1-3 mana) that can tutor her into hand. Heroic Intervention also will serve the same purpose as Avacyn.Worldy TutorSlyvan TutorAltar of BonesEladamri's call (you have this one)Time of NeedSearch for Glory (restrictive and three mana but can also fetch the snow dual land)Congregation at dawn (this one is three mana)The tutors could substitute for the weaker creature choices improving quality overall.One more swap consideration:Phyrexian Rebirth --> Hour of Reckoning. (as you are likely to win the numbers battle for tokens with this deck).Turntimber RangerElturguard Ranger Helm of the Host:The creatures are elves that create a wolf as an ETB (and can be a target for champions by Wrens run). The helm will creature a token copy of you commander or legendary creatures (which have the same effect as the enchant). Edit:I am a bit curious as to why "sundering growth" was not part of your removal package, you did grab other populate effects.
Other removal options available to you due to your theme and comamnder ETB effects:Feed the packMoonlight huntPredator's Howl"Breathkeeper Seraph" and "Gift of Immortility" Might also be practical if you have enough sacrifice outlets (ETB fight triggers). Blessed Sanctuary makes your creatures immune to damage from the ETB fight effect.
You were wondering what cards to filter out for subsitition. You are heavy in the 4cmc slot and really light in the 1-2 CMC slot so looking just there:-1 Beast Whisperer (you only have 20 creatures, you are not going to get much from this)-1 Shalai (run heroic intervention instead)-1 Crush Contraband (use sundering growth instead)-1 (Atherflux Reservoir, for reasons I mentioned earlier)-1 Wolf Riders saddle (use feed the pack or predators howl instead)-1 Annointed Procession (replace with a cheap tutor or helm of the host)-1 Parralel Lives (replace with a cheap tutor or helm of the host)
Looking at your 5cmc and 6cmc slots.Your commander cost 5cmc, so all your 5's are effectively in the 6 slot. This is also where you are putting your win conditions. Tovolar Huntmaster --> Howlgeist at 6 mana, somebody at the table is going to be casting more than 1 spell. You are not going to get this thing to flip in commander. Holwgeist can enter the battlefield twice (creating the same number of Tolsimar Triggers) and kill both things it fights.Skalla Wolf --> Overwhelming Stampede (or Collective Blessing)Mirra's Wake --> Beastmasters Ascension Mirra's Wake is going to give you huge mana next turn. Beastmaster can kill somebody right then and there.Other swaps Idyllc Tutor --> Sterling GroveYou can get the tutor effect for the same mana cost or give permanent shroud for your other enchantments. Do to the way the thing works this can be played early for only 2 mana, freeing you up to do more on turn 3. Edit: You are also running at least 2 equipment. You could consider steelshapers gift as a 1 mana tutor to fetch them.
Howl of the Nightpack could be removed. You are running a substantial number of fetch lands but only 6 basic forests (and three non-basic that are typed as a forest). Best case scenario is you get all of them onto the battlefield creating a potential 9 wolves, (excluding the potential Yavimaya cradle).You need more "forest" typed lands in the deck. As you are only running two-colors and only 2 cards are triple "pipped", your mana base needs really aren't challenging enough to warrant the off-guild crack lands. Replacing some of the mana rocks with things like rampant growth will also make the spell bigger. Expedition map is an artifact that can fetch yavimaya's cradle. Ultimately swap out 4+ non basic lands for 4 basic forests. Your deck leans significantly green and can run with only 1 white mana source (with 2-3 exceptions).
Totally spamming you. sorry. the more I look at your deck, the more I want to build my own...Changeling hero & Changeling Titan Champion a wolf or an ETB creature. Get the fight trigger (as it will count as a wolf), if changeling dies: the old creature comes back for another etb trigger. Perhaps replace the three remaining mana rocks with Three VisitsNatures LoreRampant Growth All three are permanent ramp for 2 mana, with the first 2 entering untapped just like your rocks. Druids Delverance --> Moonmist ?Young wolf as an early game creature?Joraga treespeaker is probably better than llanowar elves as you can turn all your elves into mana dorks (including the commander).
Tefferis protection -> flawless maneuver?Archangel avacyn —> eldrazi monument?Beast whisper —> well of lost dreams?Nythkos paragon is a possible win con but it’s completely reliant on your commander.Strionic resonator (etb , upkeep and end step effects)?
So again, ill have to take the time to run through all the recommendations. A lot of my choices are either based around me not wanting to be susceptible to blue player bs, or making targeting stuff i own not worth the costs associated with it. I elected for more permanent protection, over 1 turn protections. Its really hard to protect yourself, run removal, and still kill your opponents reliably with this commander, so its mainly a for fun thing, where im not expecting people to destroy the board 3 times over on turn 4. That being said, i have questions about feed the pack. i need non-token creatures for that to work, and while the pay off is huge, i feel sacrificing needed creatures is a weird way to go. especially with a deck with very little recursion.
Re: Feed the Pack.There's a bit of a number's requirement with that one. Its only really worth considering if you have 10+ targets that you are willing to trade for tokens. Generally its a win condition move, where you sack something beefy to create an army and win the game via an "overrun" effect on your next turn. In your current list, I'm only seeing about 6-8 decent viable targets, so it's not worth it right now. "Maskwood nexus"?