I'm always open for suggestions for the deck, so please feel free to comment!
i might have one sitting around somewhere. Tbh, i need to remove Dragonlord Kolaghan. Hes only in there because at the time of creation a fellow player was using persistent petitioners, and i wanted to goad him into playing them with dragonlord out lol
Please reply to this comment to give me true chaos card suggestions!
Please leave a comment if you have any improvements or edits to the deck!
So again, ill have to take the time to run through all the recommendations. A lot of my choices are either based around me not wanting to be susceptible to blue player bs, or making targeting stuff i own not worth the costs associated with it. I elected for more permanent protection, over 1 turn protections. Its really hard to protect yourself, run removal, and still kill your opponents reliably with this commander, so its mainly a for fun thing, where im not expecting people to destroy the board 3 times over on turn 4. That being said, i have questions about feed the pack. i need non-token creatures for that to work, and while the pay off is huge, i feel sacrificing needed creatures is a weird way to go. especially with a deck with very little recursion.
ok so i made a few edits. Lands:Added Nykthos Shrine to Nyx, and Arena. I'm considering removing Selesnya Sanctuary for some other land. Double mana for a tap is nice, but it is a bounce land so it doesn't really offer an advantage. Could use some coaching there.Creatures:Added a few mana dorks, however, i do not mind eating the commander tax for wrens run packmaster. I definitely wish to have my wolves with death touch so i can yeet remove creatures not having to worry if they are big enough. Added rot wolfSilverfur partisan is just there for discouraging players from targeting me. However, the real threat is my commander, and I'm almost always met with board wipes as answers. Swap silverfur for beastmaster ascension?I would love to run Hollowhenge Overlord, and i do in the paper version of the duck i run, but this is specifically for MTGO.Fixes:Added aura shards cause for some reason it wasn't there. Previous iterations of this deck did use beastmaster ascension. I definitely won games because of it, but i don't know what to sacrifice anymore to make room for it. Maybe anointed procession?Also added 2 mana dorks replacing two artifacts that haven't really worked out for me, being mox opal and sol talisman. Artifacts:Sword of body and mind is already in the deck. did you mean a different sword?Thoughts on Aetherpool Reservoir? i only recently added it, and i really like being able to use the delete player option with all the life i gain lol. Questions:I just recently learned of the yavimaya+life and limb+ elesh norn grand cenobite combo. I generally do not like mass land destruction, and really don't forsee players sticking around once its on the field. Thoughts? Should i be that toxic? My greatest hate engine is always blue players so id like to play that to lock them out from blue shenanigans. But that's a little mean to my other opponents as well lol
Ill be putting in a reply for the rest of the recommendations but i 100% forgot to add aura shards. I run it so often i didnt even see it missing. Explains why i couldnt find it when i was trying to dig for it!