
35 Decks, 21 Comments, 8 Reputation

Hi Jessie, The Bojuka Bogs work with the Immortal Coil. Donate them a Coil, then bog their graveyard, instant win for you. And they can still be used for black mana as required.

As for what to take out, I'd probably take out the Steel Golems. Based off the rest of the deck, it looks like your opponent not casting creatures might work to your detriment, as your curve means Puca's Mischief wants to find small targets, which usually means creatures.

Thanks for looking at my decks, I appreciate the time you took, even if there was no advice you could offer. =)

Posted 20 December 2013 at 14:27 in reply to #420339 on The Goodwill Store


Needs more Immortal Coil and Bojuka Bog

Posted 20 December 2013 at 06:40 in reply to #420339 on The Goodwill Store


Bonfire would be good, but I don't have any at the moment and can't afford to buy them.

As the deck is for Standard FNM, ponder and preordain would not be helpful unfortunately. However, I agree that card draw is required, so I'm dropping an Island and a Mountain and adding 2 Desolate Lighthouses to give me some cycle effects.

Posted 02 January 2013 at 09:40 in reply to #313071 on The Stuff Blasphemy Is Made Of


Hadn't even thought of it! Definitely going in to side, although based on the comment from Kuvetd, I might even swap Unsummon out for it

Posted 02 January 2013 at 09:37 in reply to #313072 on The Stuff Blasphemy Is Made Of


Unsummon was put in as a last ditch bounce to either save the doll from removal (Tragic Slip comes to mind) or bounce something of theirs that I can't block for whatever reason. but I do like the idea of Rolling Temblor, as it comes in handy late game as well.

Wingcrafter is there to give Stuffy Doll flight, but it can also act as a chump blocker should the need come up. I'm not sold on it myself, but felt that I should have something available to play on turn one. I was thinking of changing them to Goblin Electromancers, as they work as a 2 for 1 in reducing Blasphemous act

Posted 02 January 2013 at 09:36 in reply to #313086 on The Stuff Blasphemy Is Made Of


I think your mana base is too high. Nearly half your deck is land, which could result in you drawing nothing relevant for several turns.

Possibly consider dropping your mana base by 1 Island and 1 Mountain, and include a couple of extra counterspells or burn. Or if you're looking to go long game, the Staff of Nin could be a strong option. I'd also swap an Island and a Mountain for 2 Desolate Lighthouse to get yourself some card cycling.

I also think that 3 Niv-Mizzet is too many. If you've already got him on the field, then a second and possibly third one in your hand are dead cards. I'd drop down to 2 in favour of another Hypersonic Dragon.

For your sideboard I'd suggest Cyclonic Rift and Mizzimum Mortars, to give yourself some spot removal against aggro decks. And maybe a Door to Nothingness to get some benifit out of your Chromatic Lanterns against control decks.

Just some ideas.

Posted 31 December 2012 at 15:38 as a comment on Niv-Mizzet burn


Why are you running Golgari Guildgates instead of Overgrown Tombs? I also think your mana base is a little high.

I'd consider dropping down to 2 Endless Ranks, dropping the Guildgates entirely, turning 4 of your swamps into Overgrown Tombs, and putting in 2 Farseeks.

Posted 31 December 2012 at 15:28 as a comment on zombie unbound


Nevermind, it's so the Gatecreeper can fetch it for you. Duh

Posted 31 December 2012 at 15:19 in reply to #313065 on Infinite Wall


Why an Izzet Guildgate instead of the 4th Sulfur Falls?

Posted 31 December 2012 at 15:17 as a comment on Infinite Wall


Thanks for the encouragement. I will certainly continue to experiment.

A card that was just recently pointed out to me as unplayable is Descent into Madness. In the next week or 2 I will hopefully have a deck up that centers around that card.

I agree that for a tourney a serious deck would go far better, I certainly wouldn't dream of playing this in anything more competitive than a FNM.

Posted 13 November 2012 at 10:10 in reply to #303114 on Counterintuitive Gamble


The problem is that those cards aren't in standard. This deck is for use at my FNM.

I get bored with everyone playing the same decks. For a while, 1 in 3 decks was Delver. The 2 weeks after Ravnica release, it was Green/Black Zombies.

I find it really boring when everyone plays the same deck, so I go out and build decks that are different. I've run standard decks using Door to Nothingness, Omniscience, Worldfire, basically, if someone declares a card unplayable in Standard, I will do my best to make a standard deck around it.

A lot of these decks would function a lot better with cards brought in from other formats, but that removes the challenge for myself, and makes the deck illegal for the format I wish to play it in.

Posted 12 November 2012 at 08:21 in reply to #303114 on Counterintuitive Gamble


Although, I'm not sold on the Tibalt. I put him in because he is early game dig, but the discard at random makes him a hazard to play with

Posted 28 October 2012 at 09:04 as a comment on Omniscient Trickster


Maybe drop one Sands for a Tamiyo. Tamiyo emblem plus Mindsculpt is fantastic.

Other than that, it looks quite solid.

Posted 28 October 2012 at 09:01 as a comment on Wallololol (Standard) HELP


Stealing the opponents wincons is the main objective. With Reverberate, Increasing Vengeance and Chandra, it is possible to cast Stolen Goods 5 times off 5 mana in a single turn.

If the game goes on for long enough, a Tamiyo emblem and Omniscience = fun times for everyone (everyone who is me, anyway.)

Niv Mizzet and the Hypersonic Dragons give me some strong beatdown potential if required, and there should be enough card draw from Tibalt, the Lighthouses, the Guildmages and the Chemister to get me to them in a pinch.

Posted 28 October 2012 at 08:55 in reply to #299774 on Omniscient Trickster


I'm not seeing how this deck lets you gain more life than Ghandi.

There doesn't seem to be any focus here, you've got half a life gain deck and half an exalted deck, and as a result you have an unfocused mess.

Archangel's Light and Akroma's Memorial are too expensive, you'll never see them. Elixir of Immortality is better value Graveyard Return, and more guaranteed life gain in the long run.

Your Cathedral Sanctifiers are only being used as one shot life gains, Put in a conjurers closet instead of the Memorial and they become a lot more useful.

I'd also drop the Enchantments entirely in favour of equipment and increasing your one of's.

Another Ajani, another Sublime Archangel, and some Moonsilver Spears to get both your first strike back, as well as more creatures for the Exalted effects to feed off.

Just my 2 cents.

Posted 17 July 2012 at 11:56 as a comment on Gain more life than Ghandi


Phyrexian Metamorph can also Clone images.

It breaks the Illusion theme somwhat, but Mindshrieker could work better than the Bears in this deck.

And I'd consider losing the Stuffy Dolls, maybe put some Sands of Delirium in instead. Just my 2 cents

Posted 17 July 2012 at 11:41 as a comment on Illusionary Mill


The Blue Sun's is an interesting choice, is card draw that big an issue for this deck?

I would personally consider looking at a 3rd Think Twice for the flashback effect, or if you want constant card draw then a Staff of Nin. Unless there's a combo I'm not seeing with the Blue Sun's.

Posted 17 July 2012 at 11:36 as a comment on Grixis Snapcaster Vengeance


Glad you like the deck, be sure to let me know how it works for you.

Also stay tuned for my Red/White Worldfire deck. I hope to have the final list up by the end of the week

Posted 17 July 2012 at 11:21 in reply to #273151 on Path to Oblivion


Point on the Accorder Paladin should have read

Battle cry is extremely useful, but with things like Geistflame as standard at the moment, the Accorder can be picked off quickly. The Hero of Bladehold should be more than enough, especially with the soldier tokens coming in when it swings

Posted 17 November 2011 at 09:47 in reply to #215211 on Rise of the Underdog!


This is a good start, but you don't seem to have a lot of focus.

You really want to tighten it up. Anything that you only have one of means that you have a really low chance of seeing hit the field.

I'd recommend Dropping the following

Solemn Simulacrum - A one of land grab/card draw, you're not likely to see this often enough to make it worth it.
Accorder Paladin - Battle cry is extremely useful, but with things like Geistflame as standard at the moment, but the Hero of Bladehold should be more than enough, especially with the soldier tokens coming in when it swings.
Gideon's avenger - A useful card, but I would sideboard this for use against other aggro creature decks.
Sun Titan - Again, having only a one off means you aren't going to see this too often.
Mentor of the Meek - If a WW aggro deck needs card draw, it's not playing fast enough. In my opinion anyway.
Spirit Mantel - Again, the one off kills this. Side them in for decks that rely on strong creature wall.
Elspeth - I don't believe the Planeswalikers work for aggro decks. They take too long for their ultimate abilities to pop.
Gideon - As above
Timely Reinforcements - Sudden creature/lifegain is never a bad thing, but if you're in a position to need them, then the deck hasn't been playing fast enough
2* Plains - If you drop the above, the highest CMC becomes 4, so you shouldn't need quite as much land

I'd add in

3* Mirran Crusader - These guys are brutal! You definitely want to have the highest chance possible of dropping these, plus with all the buffs it gains from Honor of the pure and Hero of Bladehold, it will be swinging for massive, terrible damage
2* Elite Inquisitor - Much the same as above,, it loses the doublestrike, but gains vigilance in exchange. Really good for a turn 2 drop
4* Champion of the Parish - Drop this turn one, then watch as he grows thanks to every other creature you play.
3* Angelic Destiny - +4/+4, flying, first strike, re-usable, this card turns anything into awesome
3* White Sun's Zenith - Again, increase your chances of getting it out to spam with tokens, then turn the tokens into angels with the Angelic Destiny
3* Day of Judgment - If it all goes to pot, you'll recover from a borad wipe faster than your opponent will.
2* Oblivion Ring - Removal of the enemies big things can never hurt.

That should make the deck play a lot faster and result in a quick beat down.

Just my 2 cents worth.

This is the deck I'm currently working on, I've put my opinion in on your deck, please feel free to return the favour

Posted 17 November 2011 at 07:49 as a comment on Rise of the Underdog!


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