I actually don't think this deck could work without the veil born :/ unless i no longer make it Pack Rats. I would rather have a reoccurring creature to discard then discarding something useful for a pack rat. You are probably right on the sign in blood and under world connections
What would you recommend?
I really liked the Dawn treader elk idea. Give me a couple more options and quick responses to any graveyard hate against my Veil borns.
I changed up some of the numbers a bit and added Jace's Archivist, but i have yet to play test him. should i add more? if so what should i take out for him?
I like what your doing with essence of the wild, and all these mana producers. Something i am noticing is that you don't have a very stable form of draw. In this kind of deck, Overwhelming instinct is a win more, I recommend something a little more stable, maybe a Lead the Stampede or Harmonize.
Have you considered some of the splicers? In new Phyrexia they had a couple of splicers that created golem tokens. I would recommend blade splicer in place of your Elite Vanguard. Elite Vanguard is good, but it doesn't seem to add to the deck. I love shrine of the loyal legion, but i don think it works as well in a multi colored deck, maybe replacing that for another white sun or any of your other token generations might be good. Im not a huge fan of the Mausoleum guard, but he does fit what the deck is about so I'm not entirely sure what to replace him with.
Try looking into some of the artifact infect cards. Corpse Cur and Core Prowler, instead of Carrion Call and Morbid Plunder. I wouldn't recommend Lash writhe unless you are planning on building a deck around it, which btw Asceticism doesn't work with lash writhe. Why not also try running Putrefax, yes he is only alive for the turn, but hes bound to either win you the game or set up a huge amount of poison counters. Instead of Toxic Nim, I recommend Tangle Angler (this is up to you) Tangle Angler allows you to make all your opponents creatures block him, allowing some of your other Infect creatures to do direct damage for a faster win.
2 cards you definitely need are Mind Funeral, and The Undead Alchemist
I think gutter grim would be too expensive for the little synergy it has in the deck.
Immolating soul eater is pretty awesome what would you recommend taking out of it though?Right now Im using Green hilt for buffs. Attack Necrotic ooze, 1B: Return reassembling Skeleton Sacrifice Reassembling Skelton (grimgrin effect). Tap to give Necrotic ooze +4/+4 (Green hilt). Its a little bit cheaper, but harder to pull off than soul eater. Zombie infestation im trying to find room for because it is AMAZING! Unfortunately i can't use any Zendikar since Im trying to use strictly type 2. My original build was beastly though. Also, just in case you weren't aware: Level up effects don't work with Necrotic Ooze