Hello Puschkin, thanks for ur reply!this deck has no format, is just for fun, and the gameplay is for 1x1.i like the deathcap cultivator, reaper of the wilds (a lot) and ambush viper.i made a comment on a deck with VaultHelp tag ;)
u should put this lands: tainted isle and tainted field, is a good cheap land :)You got this reply because of the VaultHelp tag. Please take your time now, comment on a deck of a fellow VaultHelp member and copy/paste this message to the end of your post.
that name, soo fuun!!!! u deserve the like!LOL
nice deck, easy to play and fun =)
tnks for the tips, I'll put some in practice soon as possible!
nice deck =)
Nice g/b deck. I like the way you build cheap decks and make them competitive , practical and easy to play .I'm currently building your monoblack vampire "sorin approves".I would like your help to improve this deck , if you can. http://www.mtgvault.com/omaneu/decks/girlfriend-deck/Thank you.
what do you think of replacing Eaters insatiable for Incorrigible Youths?btw, nice vampire deck =)
nice vampire madness, easy to play and cheap cheap =)great work
great deck =)