Ok so this is the new n improved deck i used @ last weeks fnm it went 4-2-1
Tezzeret would work wonders in this deck
Ok i found out what 2 take out. Im putting 2 superions in the side deck and putting in 2 battlespheres
Yea so far its a soild deck i just came from fnm and i went 5-0-1 its pretty good
Ok deck is now up dated.
Tezzeret aob? Idk what 2 drop 4 him
Yea myr battle sphere is pretty nice, but i didnt know what 2 take out 2 replace it so im gonna put it in the side board for now. I was thinking about fabricate it was in my "maybe" pile
Yea lifelink is an amazing ability
Well when u swing even if u block i still gain life and even if i lose the creature i got at least 8 other creatures waiting 2 take its place
Well most of my creatures have lifelink so when i swing im gaining at least a good 4-8+ per swing
U should add the goldmane planeswalker as well as norms annex that would stop all attacks towards u and ur gaining 2 more life per turn which helps the serras ascendant
Also seagate and inexoable tide cost the excatly the same and u proliferate with every spell. I understand the need for seagate but look at it like this: tide is on the field (T) w. Hada. Hes a 2/3 right outta the gate. (T) 3,w. Join the ranks hada becomes a 5/6 first turn hes out then play grafted exo and equip hes a 8/9 with infect thatsa force 2 be concerned about
Shut up tim
Yea xenograft is pretty awsome. And thks for the suggestion ill add it in. Im just sad that the dual lands arent t2 legal.
You should add magus of the bazaar: tap, draw 2 discard 3 and it costs 2! Check out the deck i made around him its called ght (grand hand theift)
I keep thinking there should be a wellwisher in here but i think it would be a waste of a card slot. Also can you guys provide any help to my newest deck, its called ght thks in advance
Y dont u add the black preator, a couple of rise from the graves, and quest for the gravelord
Also take out wurmcoil engine and add inexorable tide (whenever you cast a spell, proliferate)
You should take out 2 swamps and 1 island and add 2 of the blue/black dual lands and add 1 more plague stinger. Also put the swords in ur sideboard and add 2 livewire lashes it would really help out ur deck
Well if u take out those 2 mana you'll be left with 5x swamps and 5x islands, u could take out 1 more of each then toss in the painsmiths. But i do agree with the other guy put in some lashes and if u do it right with 1 creature u can deal 14 posien dam in 1 turn. Oh btw can ya check out my deck? Just hit my name n its the only 1 there
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