Thx a lot for the comment!, i will add for sur Niv-mizzet in my SB! When i think about Huntmaster, i think about midrange.. and i really want my deck to be Control, i have faced a lot of American control deck and they really shine ( They won game day and the last 4 FNM i went) If you have any idea to make my deck better at controling to make sure i can cast Mimic or thragtusk and win the game, i would be greatly appreciated. Last point, i added Alchemist refuge to be able to cast Mimic on opponent turn and gain 5 life on his turn and 5 life at my Upkeep on the same turn, i know it will happen 1 time in a million years.. but who doesnt not love to dream :P P.s. that deck is really the first deck i built from scratch and im new to magic ( started playing at Innistrad)
I added Alchemist's refuge and Wolf run, i dont know if they are any good in that deck, i would like advice on them. Should i change them for Basics ? or should i put 1 more izzet charm for any of those and run only 24 land? tnx a lot guys!!
tnx a lot for the comment! i updated it!
Finally i made my choise of deck to play until Innistrad rotates, here it is!. I am willing to spend money again to make some changes and also i really want to make my sideboard better.. i didnt know what to put in it at all. thanks for commenting !
I eddited my deck again, i was really thinking last night about playing this deck instead of my RG aggro, but i dont know if it will be viable in compedition, its my own deck and i know sometime i really suck i making new deck that really works
I looked at the website you showed me! its really nice. thank a lot for the info, ill read all the post! If you look at the right part for the screen you will see its only legal in vintage and legacy NOT in extended
i Need help on my first attempt on making a kind of tempo deck, i came up with this deck in 5 min so i might have miss something really important so if you find something. tell me plz :P
so... mtgvault is wrong... because its says its ban.. kinda funny
Type your deck name...Thanks a lot for the link ill read it as soon as i come home ( its blocked at work :( :( )
i putted back searing spear in. i hope it will do better. i really dont know why i wasn't able to win any game at FNM last friday... i went really really bad...
you know your elspeth is not modern legal but by the way INSANE great deck! i love looking at your deck !
Type your deck name...Sure i will try it i know that the deck usualy run spear and pillar of flame but i dont know what to put out to make those cards in.. i love the mayor and the boar as my 2 drop.. maybe firefist or something ?
i wont cast in a million years borborygmos.. with 20 land.. i will try the other tho
yes i am and im trying to make it standard too except for tomorow i have a modern tournament, what should i change only for tomorow too to make it worth my inscription lol
ok! what would you suggest adding if i took out those 7 cards ? I think i need to put something i can cast out of burning-tree but i dont know what at all lol
I eddited the deck at played yesterday night compeditively.. it went SOOOO BAD.. i went 1-3-0... i lost to Aristocrats, Naya midrange, and ..... my most awaful game.. to White weenies.. i need help to make that deck better because i would really like to go compeditively and to start to win P.S. i dont mind spending money for cards
well your deck isnt modern now...
Great deck! i would think about changing sculptor and master of etherium for 4 Frogmite 2 Pherixian Walker and 2 tezzereth Agent of bolas if you can have them, It will make your deck insanely faster.. Also why arn'T you playing Artifact Land ? your deck is legacy so you can make your mox on metalcraft way faster ! ( like.. turn 1 )
well my suggestion is to put searing spear instead of lightning bolt.. lol but beside that great deck ! can you look at mine i was attempting to make a Gruul Blitz because i want to overcome the speed of Naya ( i know its almost impossible to make ) :P
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