Fast Reanimator

by OlafBiggles on 10 July 2011

Main Deck (60 cards)

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Deck Description

Get huge bastard creatures into play fast, and consistently from the graveyard.

Deck Tags

  • Graveyard

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 2,374 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Not Legal in Modern
  • Not Legal in Vintage
  • Not Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Fast Reanimator

This deck sadly isn't legal

Posted 26 July 2011 at 23:08


The deck looks like it would work very similarly to my Fat fat fatty deck. Graveyard decks often do. My deck is built around creature pairings though, because of Defense of the Heart's ability. How fast does your deck usually go off? Mine usually has 2 fatties in play by turn 4-6.

I like Empyrial Archangel, if you were to make her indestructible she would be much more powerful though. Same thing with Platinum Angel. *cough AVACYN cough*. It is because of decks like this that I keep Entrails Feaster in my Zombie deck, check it out!

Posted 21 September 2012 at 23:59


The deck normally hits pretty fast. Your right, should add Avacyn, Angel of Hope, but I only have one copy, which is used in my Sisay EDH deck - I actually ripped this deck apart, as a load of the creatures made fairly good commanders, or did better in other decks.

Sheoldred, dommgape and yosei pretty much allow lockdown of an opponent. Throw in Butcher of Malakir, and say bye bye to opponents creatures while locked down. Elesh Norn tends to just screw people over. Iona is just an asshole, as is Jin-Gitaxias.

Sun Titan lets me recur my animate dead and dance of the deads.

Around 10% of the time, this deck goes off on turn 1, with swamp, dark ritual, putrid imp, big creature, and reanimate/dance of the dead/animate dead. It usually takes until around turn 3 though, for a fatty to hit the board, which is usually quick enough to kick most other decks.

Posted 22 September 2012 at 07:44
