fog holy day darkness and so on all should be used more they are cheap and efecitve to save you that hit the oppnent thinks he will win
i like it he is right go 2 at most on legends can you look at my deck to?
as is it has only lost one game and that was aginst a 100% anti black deck
lol crom is anoying but this deck seems a little slow comment on mine plz
mana curve to high for my taste comment on mine plz
not bad i like it comment on mine plz
mana curve much to high my deck would eat it alive
the point of it is to make them worry abvout there lands so much they cant counter your monsters
lot of my cards are old and rare dout his is like this
will do you have a nice one there but i may make changes
i like some of your decks i was thinkinh of makeing a tree folk one
this is faster but my deck has one + flying
like this but dont think it is fast enough to destroy mine
the only thing is red land destro is much slower then this deck
any way you can show me a few ways
and yes every card they discard dose do damage
say something i see you spaming every where it is just rude.
your an ass the least you could do is comment don't just spam your shit mine would win ^^
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