Trepanation Blade could do some silly things on an Agent. I think Gambits could be good mainboard, possibly a mix of them and the Studies. Disclaimer: JacobHix gave me a BJ for this comment.
Interesting. The LGS I'm going to start FNMing at next friday (just going to draft tomm.) typically has 30+ players, most of which play top tier decks with all the top notch cards money can buy right now. How is the field where you play, and does this stand up to it? Also, what's the strategy on the Chalice? I'm assuming you'd mostly go for 2 counters for Koth, Chandra, Titan, or Comet Storm...would you ever just do 1 counter or save up for 3?
Funny you should mention BR vampires, it's the other deck I am considering, also based on the one that made Top 8 at Worlds.
I might have to change the land makeup a bit, but how would Into The Roil fare?
Good point. To be honest, I'm trying to put together a decent, cheap deck for my re-entrance to Standard play in over a decade. I found a great gaming store to play at and will be starting FNM there this week. But I have no idea what the meta is like, so a cheap deck that can be tinkered with or at the worst scrapped seems like a good way to start for me, and Quest WW or WU seems like it is cheap and capable of winning a fair amount, not to mention fun.
Was that Mono-W w/ Student or UW w/ Student?
I have to respectfully disagree here. But creature removal is a good point. Perhaps I should work journey to nowhere into the deck. I may have to go back to mono-white...
The Blue splash is for 3 things, in order of importance: 1. Trinket Mage, which gets you 2 bodies for 3 mana. 2. Unified Will, great against several matchups. 3. The manland I like the idea of Student of Warfare and Mox Opals, moreso the Student.