Seems like Nivmagus and Gelectrode work as a pair, so adding two more of him would quicken the process.Also, if you're only running one Clan Defiance, you should either use none or add more.With the dual lands, sticking with basics is probably easier or just add more of them.Some of the instants and sorceries are out-of-tune; namely the Mobilize, since the only creature that taps/untaps is Gelectrode (unless you're attacking with Nivmagus), also as mentioned, clan defiance.I do really like Autumn's Veil though. A quick full protection turn would help this deck win faster, plus tapping Gelectrode.Sorry for the novel lol. :)
Even though you want it to be on a budget, Amulet of Vigor would work amazingly.
I like it. An interesting way to use Gruul's mana ramp with Chromatic Lantern.
Primeval Titan? or Mulch to get more lands in your hand?
I agree with mymobbsdeep about the swap. Might I suggest some beckon apparition as well? If your opponent abuses the graveyard a lot, you can use them to exile their grave combo, plus get an extra chump blocker or a sacrificial piece.
Why doesnt he belong? he is a human werewolf like the rest of them.
you should add some huntmaster of the fells. it would be great in this deck.If your only running one young wolf, you shouldnt use any. or you could just take out the ranger's path for more young wolves.
Well anyway peiwei3... you could get some ideas from my simic. check it out:
do you want some sort of mana search?
unless they add shock lands. even then i feel it would be useless. maybe ramps would be better or just not use searches.
I think he wanted them so he could pay life to dwindle his life down faster...
sigh...where are your basic lands. you cant just use special ones. they all come in tapped slowing down the deck.
ok here goes...your archon is only useful when you play another one of him since your only other flyer has 0 power so i would take him out.there is a creature that does the same thing as boon reflection and costs less.7 Ajanis is way too much and only use caller of the pride. his last ability works perfectly in this style.i would recommend taking out angelic chorus cause, in my opinion, you shouldnt really need it.3 beacons? i would go only 1, possibly 2 since it shuffles into your have a strange assortment of shouldnt need celestial force, not worth it, there is a 0/4 moth that allows life gain when it blocks, again take out archon.definitely add 4 ajani pridemates.thats all for now lol
Thanks, but the chances are too slim that i will be able to get Doran within 4 cards. i might change the deck into a 3-color eventually though, and i know i will add it in the deck.
oh and forgot to mention. add niv-mizzet, dracogenius
why dont you add mizzium mortars? and arcane melee would be very good in it also