Tell me what you think, still a rough draft, haven't finished sb.
Well the xathrid necromancers does similar things in that he make field wipes or trading bad for the other player. Not as good obviously, but good nonetheless. Your deck can't have to have atheros out to win, you need another play if they answer him. Make it where he is a good win con, but not the only.
more graveyard interaction as well.
I would only run 3 atheros, yes he is good, but he is indestructible and 4 is just too many. I am building a similar deck but focusing on super aggro vs turning atheros on. I'll post a link when i build it.
yes it does
won't work, has to be separate spells targeting the creature so you have to choose two different creatures.
on whats more satisfying, although turn 3 but playing 3x burning tree and then nyxing into a fanatic is pretty satisfying, even with a field wipe right after. you could even have turn one cackler
Np, you might want some sort of rootborn defense against field wipe. That seams to be a big week spot.
oracle of nectars would be a nice mana sink
Try noble stand instead of luminous wake, field enchantment that gives it to all your creatures
Atalya, Samite Master another good creature
Depending on whether you want to focus on control or life gain, green is going help alot more with the life gain.
Tcg player has the cards for really cheap if you need them. I would try to use as many field enchantments as possible instead of just targeted enchantments, that way they can't just kill the creatures.
Unquestioned authority for another copy of spirit mantle.
Yes you could, as long as you had the mana up. Just have to do it after blockers declared and before damage step.
Maybe try cradle of vitality or vigil for the lost. Well of lost dreams is only 3 if that's not too much.
You need to take out ajani's mantra, not a good card
Try Asceticism if you dont care about it being standard. Also consider adding some mana dorks or more mana ramp for the spells. This is my jund deck i built with the new kalonian hydra. I dont know how i like the 2 cmc spot, i had gyre sages but i took them out and added mana dorks and some main board scavenging oozes.
Depends on whether you want the instant speed or not but travel preparations works better than common bond if you don't.
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