their now you are the top rated deck!!!!
your welcome and thx to you 2!
i love this deck most so called budget jund decks are still so expensive...
me too!!!(!!!)!!!!
dude thx i dont think anybody could have explained jund better!!!!!
dude nice but try to specialize if you can...
sorry but that makes unstandard
thx dude!
i just looked read my comment.
why not use anowon, the ruin sage?
one question, why the one card that makes it none standard?
i have bloodghasts just diden't put them in and terramorphic is to cheaply thin the deck the bloodwitchs' i can't seem to find:(
where are all the cards??????
how do you get them back?
i like the deck, just leave it be!
Add a goblin bushwhacker!!!
ya, i just bought the new sliver deck... i'm lazy. :(
DUDE! Crazy win man!
ok.... sweeeeeeet!!!