Eidolon seems bit off here.Could use Courser of Kruphix.I think it would make your mana curve better and also draw into more gas in this deck.
Mixed Ajani into the deck now and also second fleet.
One more thing. It does not have trample unless you got nylea on the field. it will get jump blocked alot.
I totaly get the infinite combo thing that your local players agree on.But in EDH? it rarely hapens that much.
cackler dont always mean madcap. ( red devo )and theres also u/w decks that dont play elspeth. ( heroic agro )
Now that's a EDH deck^^where's your sanquine bond ( combo with Exquisite Blood )
it's cruel but the decks with those cards win games...but in a small town ppl playing magic they are not needet.
you might take 4 copies of something out but i doupt it hurts your oponent that much?Only thing i see good at it is that it lets you look at the whole deck and his hand.but i havent played this deck so i dont have right to call it bad if it works it does.i would not even be suprised if i build something like this.
i like to play with a deck that has many ways to win. and yes deck is under construction again.
That mogis seems bit off in that deck? same as the stain the mind?I get the idea that's around mogis but that's bit too weird in my opinion you could do better if you just take the red out of the deck.Stain the mind if it works around your local games it's fine, but there's a lot of better ways to deal with creatures or walkers like the hero's downfall.and for the toil/trouble remove em and use underworld connection's for the extra cards.
obelisk of urd was indeed in my mind but i decided to to use dictate of heliod cause it gives all my creatures the bonus and it has flash. It's more of a suprise.sure i get the point that urd could be super cheap to cast, but gives my oponent time to react to it.And also lauch the fleet is going atleast to 2.
the thing is that when phytotitan enters the batlefield tapped after it died... unless you can untap it or use life's legacy to draw 7 cards out of it .
Remove phyto titans from side and add 1more mistcutter and another genesis hydra.
savage summoning is not needet in this kinda deck i think. Just the mistcutter hydra and genesis hydra are good vs control.
Feel free to comment this deck for making it better.
I have been thinking about that for some time...and maybe even swithing creakwood liege and blood artist's out for em.
Inquisitor's Flail is something i might take out and play some early 1 or 2 drop creatures because you rly wana pump that devotion up early as possible. rakdos cackler and rakdos shred-freak are grate for devotion.