Fair enough, either way im happy to see a Dega Burn build and i hope it all works out great for you =)
I see, i personally love Vexing Devils, mostly because i started in Avacyn and that was my first rare =) plus i run them in my Legacy Burn, but anyways yea Boros Charm is a must and im glad to see them in here now =)
So i know this is way late for a comment lol but i was searching for ideas for my own Dega Modern Burn and i like this build, except it doesnt have Boros Charm, i mean that card is amazing so im just confused if you didnt think it was worth adding or maybe just overlooked it.
I have played in quite a few times. The only problem is UW Control but i was gonna side in slaughter game/ pithining needle for those match ups. Other then that i havent run into any other big problems
Yea ill for sure be using it, along with Spite of Mogis in the side board t least.
i only played one mono black at my local FNM and walked away without a scratch, i dont intend to bring this to big invites at its current level this was just for the night and maybe a future standard deck that ill always run
hmmm... ill think about it. see how tonight goes
well the way the deck is now is how its going to be at my local FNM. ill report back with its placing and how i liked it. thank you all who commented, liked or even looked at it. im really happy with it and i hope it does well. comments on the new set up are welcome and ill make more changes if needed. thanks again!
i didnt have time to add more white cards like i wanted. but i am now. thanks for the comments!
thank you. ill be making changes now
im adding them now. iv been at work so i didnt have time to before
true. i was thinking about that and pithing needle as a side
thanks again. im really looking forward to playing it
orginally this was a deck with white in it. mostly for obze. but i dropped it. i may want to add chained to the rocks tho. what do you think sorin
i dont want to tie up my red mana with the reckoners. i was going to possibly drop one of each of the shock lands. but i will change the downfalls and dreadbores. and like i was saying in a few comments up i wanted to run charms. so i will need the white mana.
i was thinking boros to. but i didnt know what to drop if i wanted it main boarded.
thank you. i was considering dropping the charms in the side for ult price. but idk. i might keep it
im not entirely sure. id probably just toss it in the sideboard for now.
not entirely sure. i havent thought about it much, maybe a full playset of aristocrats. thats about it
so my friend told me about a "knock off" of my deck i put up on here and sent me the link to this saying how everything was basically the same, from the name to the creatures, spells, even the how to play. now i see this and i cant deny there are alot of things in common with my deck and this one. i personally dont care if you did see my deck and copy it i mean if you did im glad i could be an inspiration or whatever now that thats done, on to the advice lol my suggestions are drop all 4 shred freaks and add 2 more spike jesters and 2 blood scrivengers. not only do you keep 2 creatures with haste, but you have a way to keep youre hand full when youre out. and with the artist out youll be just fine on life. possibly drop 2 cacklers for 2 more doom blades like you wanted. thats really all i gotta say. hope it works for you. i know mine is
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