Lol, if it was legal
Well, it's the third best...
Lol no it's my parents
Lol narfnarf has way more reputation and way more decks than me, but the highest amount of likes for all his decks is 3, but he has a lot of decks that have 3 likes, but this deck has 4 likes, but I have only one deck with 4 likes and the res thave either 2, 1, or 0
Ok, thx for the likes
wait no, u didn't like my Eldrazi?... deck
cool, i guess xander didn't like them... and thx
thx. Did u like any of them?
Check out the decks i made 2day
ok, good point
There's this beatles song called "all you need is love"... never mind
But still, why did you make the deck in the first place?
I know, I'm just messing with you
and then why do u keep making orzhov decks?!
there's a fine line between love and hate...
Ok, i was just kidding around
I actually don't have any angelic accords both irl and in my mtg vault decks, but you don't need to know that...
nononononononono you didn't u meant that u admit that mardu is the best
B-b-b-b-b-b-but what if we do angelic accord.... :(
Lol u have a love/hate relationship with orzhov
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