Strange... I made a VERY similar deck (in real life) with JOR :-) It's here:
I own 2 Rhox War Monks and considereded adding them too but i don't like blue... ... are you me? :-P
Infinite Damage deck (W/R)
Awsome (but horribly costly) Idea :-P Also: Adaptive Automoton -> choose "Cobra" (or snake?) creature type. My deck:
Infinite Damage Deck
Hah, I was planning to make an identical deck :-P Try to add Cinder Pyromancer to abuse Dual Casting (Deal damage, cast spell, untap, copy spell)
Blaze, Justice, Redemption, Revenge I like it :-)
Personally, I would exchange "Banners Rised". Even "titanic growth would work better with the Champion. But apart from that, it's a good deck, hits strong and hard to block. Help out with mine if you have time :-)
Congratulations on the front page! Can you help me with my deck?
A really playable "Evil-Themed" deck, I like it. +1
True, the "-X/-X" spells are deadly against this deck. Removed 2x Harmonize and added 2xGaea's Anthem to increase toughness.
Ultimate Self-Mill?
Sorry bro, done it before. True Legacy decks have 4 copies of Lost in the Woods.
I like making decks with silly/original themes like this. +
Finally i see a "Knight of the New Alara" deck. I like that card, because of the fluff.