I thought about Bonespittlers... what would you replace?
I switch out the Bogs for the Stinkweeds. I was trying to figure out how to input a few draw cards and life... but im stumped. Because of the low mana cost you use up your hand fast and will be stuck drawing one a turn. It really needs to draw cards someway, stay common and low cost ... any thoughts?
Joande. Thanks for the comments. I like the use of the Stinkweed Imp over the Bog Imp. A word to note about this deck is that I put it in the fun category. This deck obviously isn't built to win tournaments and ... it's just for fun for times when we all agree to build a common deck just to have fun playing the game. This deck has only 64 cards...4 extra artifact lands.
What would you add to the side board? What other ways are there to build a common only deck? I'd love to hear your ideas!