lol i forgot =P thnx
if you are trying for burn cut down on some creatures and add more direct dmg spells or if you want to run a few creatures throw in a few flings or some sac creatures that do direct dmg when you sac em.
swap child of nights for nighthawks, bring the captivating vampires up to 2 or 3, maybe put in another hexmage or anowon, urge to feed and corrupts instead of tendrils. why bother with mind sludge? if you really want some discard put in some mind rot its a lot cheaper to play. but honestly i dont see a reason to have discard here. instead of discard maybe use the space for some more lifedrain or boosting the numbers of your vamps
too big and not enough duplicates to make this deck consistent enough for my tastes. why have only one diabolic tutor, sign in blood, and all those other 1 cards? you need to slim this down and pick a focus of what this deck is going to specialize in
i made a deck similar to this one's theme, but if your focus for this deck is tokens you should focus more on the eldrazi tokens since they can produce mana and are pretty quick to swarm. try out some awakening zones with it and throw in some overrun or overwhelming stampede for the win
i personally like deprive, but its best used in a landfall deck otherwise returning the land is just a hinderance like Urza said
you should try it out with a few flings in there to use on the creatures you sac at the EoT to get some good out of having to sac them anyways
you need more mana. 12 mana for 60 card deck will be a big problem for you exspecially when only like 1/3 of your deck is less than 3 mana
its a longshot to get that specific of a hand, but thats why theres the sign in bloods, and diabolic tutors to help out
demon of death's gate requires a sacrifice of 3 black creatures and 6 life so if you get a dark ritual, 3 black creatures a demon a land and tainted strike you can play all the black creatures and summon the demon on turn 1 or 2 depending on the draw and attack on turn 3 with a tainted strike to win
idk, with 3 eye of ugin out emrakul only costs 9 mana =P
as i have seen with your other decks you try to do too much with the creatures and spread your chances of getting what you need thin. slim down on variety and bulk up on multiples and specializing in certain types of abilities or creatures. its good to see a lower number of lands. im not going to go into detail about this deck. but again it seems like you are trying to do too much with your decks.
again too many lands, you are bound to get creature screwed with this many lands. more burn spells deff more lightning bolts, some chandra's outrage and other such spells. put in some more chieftains if you are going for goblins, some warren instigators if possible and more fire servants so its more likely to get one earlier in the game. a few raid bombardment would be good since you are working with goblins
i dont really see any cohesivness in this deck. it seems very random. so many ways to produce mana but no truely large creatures to summon with it. way too many forests. with all that mana acceleration you should be running like 17 forests. throw in some big creatures like some big baloths, Wurms, or hydras some overrun or overwhelming stampede or possibly some beastmaster ascensions to make your weak creatures huge for the rest of the match. instead of all those spiders and the umbra possibly try a few gravity wells. it needs some work and some slimming down and more duplicate creatures and spells so the game is less up to chance
seems like a lot of mana for so many low cost spells. exspecially with 4 llanowars probably take a few lands and put in some enchantments or other mana producing creatues if you feel uneasy about the mana situation
the crypts of agadeem helps with mana since i would be discarding creatures and sacrificing alot