The fastest and most reliable burn deck I've made so far. 12 one mana 3 damage cards. 8 very fast creatures that have multiple tactical elements. Utility cards via Magma Jet (card fixing), Reverberate (duplicate big bomb burns, Copy an opponents card, etc..), Fireblast (finisher by land sac), Price of Progress (combos with Goblin Guide to punish almost every deck out there), Browbeat (burn or draw).
This deck does not get past round 4-5 and if you do, something has gone terribly wrong.
I decided to do a few test hands and post what the game would look like from my side here (please keep in mind these are the first 3 hands I drew with no mulligan's and assuming I'm going first):
Opening Hand: Land x2, Goblin Guide x2, Lightning Bolt x2, Price of Progress x1
Turn 1: Land, play Goblin Guide - swing for 2 damage
Turn 2: Draw Fireblast, play Land, play Goblin Guide - Swing for 4
End of opponent's turn play Lightning bolt. Opponent's life is at 11 if everything went through.
Turn 3: Draw Land and play it - Swing for 4 (odds are there's something to block at this point so let's call it 2 damage. Opponent at 9)
End of opponents turn play Lightning Bolt + Price of Progress. Opponent might be already dead thanks to the Price of Progress bomb or might be hanging on with very low life. If at 4 or below sac 2 mountains for Fireblast and win.
Turn 4: Draw Magma Jet - Swing for whatever you can with guides, burn with magma jet and then sac mountains for fireblast for the win.
Opening Hand: Land x3, Lava Spike x1, Vexing Devil x1, Reverberate x1, Fireblast x1
Turn 1: Land, play Vexing Devil (4 damage or 4/3 creature, most people take 4)
Turn 2: Draw Land, play land, play Lava Spike
Turn 3: Draw Magma Jet, play land, play Magma Jet (see land + rift bolt, put land on bottom)
Turn 4: Draw Rift Bolt (instead of the land, thanks Magma Jet), play land, play Rift Bolt as suspend.
Turn 5: On upkeep Rift Bolt comes into play for 3 then sac 2 lands for Fireblast and reverberate it for the win.
Opening Hand: Land x3, Vexing Devil x1, Price of Progress x1, Reverberate x2
Turn 1: Land, play Vexing Devil
Turn 2: Draw Rift Bolt, play land, play Rift Bolt as suspend
Turn 3: Draw Fireblast, play land
End of opponents turn, if they have any non basics play Price of Progress for whatever you can deal. If that's not promising, try to reverberate one of their spells to your advantage during their turn.
Turn 4: Draw Land, play land
End of opponents turn, sac 2 lands for Fireblast and reverberate for 8 damage. Could win here depending on how well Price of Progress or previous reverberate went.
Turn 5: Draw Lava Spike, play lava spike for the win. If this is not a win you're in trouble.
Turn 6: Draw Lightning Bolt, play Lightning bolt for the win.
Go for the face at all times except if something would seriously cause you a headache. Try to keep your instants for casting at the end of your opponents turn when his mana is tapped and unavailable.
-Vexing Devil gives you a turn 1 threat that can either stick around for multiple turns or cause 4 points of burn for 1 mana. Either is good for you.
-Goblin Guide is a hasted creature that you can use to scout your opponent's cards but also create a massive bomb via Price of Progress. After all, most opponents will play their non-basic lands given the choice and you're just helping them get those a little faster which is exactly what you want. It's a nice hidden combo within the deck and the haste helps to deal quick damage early.
-Price of Progress can become a bomb as noted above.
-Magma jet is used to burn but also to do some much needed card fixing. If you have 4 mana in your hand, you don't really want more. What you want is more burn! Use this card to set that up.
-Lightning Bolt is one of your 12 one mana 3 damage burn cards.
-Reverberate is a card you can use to suddenly double a 6 damage Price of Progress (only requires 3 non-basics) or 4 damage Fireblast for the win (sac 2 tapped mountains). It can make the difference. Or you can use it defensively to copy a counter spell, incoming nuke, etc... There's plenty of utility here.
-Fireblast is used on turn 4 or 5 to finish off your opponent. Using up all your mana to bring your target down to mid single digit range only to sac the land and Fireblast them for the win is a great option.
-Browbeat is one of those cards I just can't play burn without. On turn 3 you suddenly tell your 10 HP opponent that he can either take 5 damage or let you draw 3 cards. This is basically 3 cards for 3 mana, or 1 mana per card. Very good synergy with this deck.
-Lava Spike is the 3 damage burn you play during your turn when you have it.
-Rift Bolt is another 3 damage burn you play during your turn, however you should never pay the full cost and should ALWAYS suspend this card for 1 mana. Lack of damage now doesn't mean much when you're saving two mana in the process.
20 lands to ensure you get those critical 4-5 mountains. You want to be able to do a land drop on every turn if at all possible. You can get by with 3 lands if need be (nothing you play has a higher cost) but it is the bare minimum.