Idk about rekoner and hellrider but the emissary is going in
This is a joke I wanted to show my friend
Thx for the comment
Thx for the comment. Slaughter Games is just a card I forgot about, and it's definitely going in the sb. I picked up Hellriders right before the big zombie deck hit Standard for $3. I like the humans, because they're good early game, and If I sack them to the Lady Vamp, she gets her counter.
I have the cards for B/R zombies, I'm just testing new things. The biggest reason for white is the Vault. Also, Doomed traveler is a beautiful sack to Falkenrath aristocrat. B/R Zombies isn't as consistent as I've fount this deck to be, because of the l8 game advantage of this deck and the faithless lootings help.
Yeah, thats what I was thinking, but for the colors I was shooting for, this is pretty solid. Even though the damage doesn't hit fast enough, this deck has late game appearances, such as Garruk and l8 game scavenge. I'm considering adding 1 Grim Backwoods.
I'm considering duress in my sideboard
No it doesn't, the B/R zombie deck in standard has the same number.
When building a deck you need a plan, then you work around that plan. Yes, those are good cards, but I have other stuff to be playing. Also, Knight of Infamy does everything I want(Lets me swing 3 on turn 2, Protects me from Big white bitches)
I don't want to do that, it would take out a lot of aggro(trading a 2 drop for a slow 4). Also dreadbore isn't an instant, and I need the mana to play stuff differently if i have to.
Needs a little work to the mana curve, but here is what you asked for
I feel that i get more out of tracker's instincts and also there are 31 lands because there are 75 cards main board
The Gsnipes are going to take away from my delver, plus they are a three drop that spells out more of a late game to me. Thunderous wrath miracle is great, and i can save the dead spell in my hand. There is no reason to take away Snapcaster for anything. Thx for your comment, but the only big thing I'm in the midst of changing is the sideboard right now. Later on I'll probaly take out the thunderous wrath completely for more/cheaper burns.
Searing Spear
Yeah, I was going to put that in the sideboard, if i make one. The reason its not in the main, is fo the fact i want most of the damage going to my opponent
I have 4 Snaps already
I want it to be standard legal. My reasoning behind gravecrawler, is that i know i can swing for 2 with it, and i can bring it back if i hit another crawler. I've considered changing to Stromkirk Noble, but it just winds up being a blocker that dies fairly early. Pillar is in the deck, because I usually go against a lot of zombie decks. Thanks for your input.
I dont think you need 4 Falenrath Marauders,, i would replace maybe 1 or 2 with Falkenrath Aristocrat If you want to, I made a deck very similar
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