my main comment for this is i like the list just a few things, your deck seems quite weak in the 3 slot spot, even with the recurability of the ruinators it might be still useful to have a extra choice in the spot. not sure what it could be as i havent personally tried building RUG pod. The only other point is that in this deck i think i would rather be playing ponder over think twice as it gives you more range and with birthing pods you do get the option to shuffle if u only want one or 2 of the cards
sb edit - 3 misstep -1 negate +2 traitorous blood +2 flashfreeze
Deck Edits: Main deck: -1 think twice -1 hinterland harbour -1 mountain -1 rootbound crag +1 consecrated sphinx +2 dragonskull sumit +1 drowned catacomb
Deck Edits: Main deck: -1 think twice +1 consecrated sphinx
deck edit sb: -2 tree of redemption +1 devils play +1 slagstorm
well ill play a few games probibly with 2 repittion over a image and a leak pre board maybe? then drop the azure mages from board for the image to fight legends rule/ramp/solarflare and the extra leak. see how it pans out.
being able to bring back desperate ravings might be worth it, as the deck really does need an aweful lot of dig to get anywhere. was play against wolfrun green and on 1 turn i had to play flash back ravings to kill a titan with a incinerate... so getting it back might not be bad.. but im still slightly unsure on it...
yeh not sure quite where to fit it in... with runic repetition it could be a interesting addition... gives me a few more draw spells in the long run, but it seems a bit awkward with the snapcaster as obviously u cant return cards that you use with that... dragonskulls may be better then some of the crags maybe? but then i cant fb ancient grudge post bored as easily... what would u surgest cuting for the repetition? would probibly only want to play two... as it would be a dead card early on in the game when something like a counter is just guna be so much better...
hmm not that i know unfortunately. trying to get them on here there, but if i can ill try pop up some off there deck ideas at somepoint. :) and yeh tumble magnets pretty annoying :p but works so well if u do get a proliforate engine goin ^^
yeh i really like it. may build a version for a slightly more casual standard. in terms of u just playing casually as its only 1 card off being standard you may aswell make a change on it, who knows it might work out well? :) my store has lets say... a very competitive scene. i live in a fairly sized city in the UK and when u bare in mind alot of the people in my store u would normally see at places like nationals and one of the guys has been flying over europe for gp's u can see its quite competative :P but i might try build it as its not too expensive. if u were just too make one change i would say definately add in tumble magnets, as it goes so well in the deck ^.^ goodluck and have fun playing! :)
every rdw deck is always guna be slightly diffrent and to each person taste. but there was a good artical on scg today about the winner of the recent standard open who played rdw might be worth a read :)
i would honestly try to put some removal in maindeck but im having a real hard time try to work out what to cut as it is. >.< what would u surgest to make space? i might try work for a compromise between are two builds with keeping the main deck venser strategy and see where that goes. cheers for the insight :)
i actually really like this deck, just a few things i can see that might help. i like how its a more poison version of essentially a tempered steal kinda deck. but it might benifit from something maybe a bit more agressive then priests of norn, even something along the lines of corpse cur as it can give u a creature back after it trades off earlier or tine shrike as it has evasion. also, if this is for standard unfortunately steel overseer has now rotated and with ur creatures being a few diffrent types of creatures adaptive automation really doesnt fill that hole for you... my idea for replaceing would probibly be along the lines of either more removal or just some more cheap creatures. even something like signal pest as it acts as a mini buff to all ur creatures. depending on how budgety you want to keep it inkmoth nexus is a definate for this deck and o ring is a much stronger card you can use to replace prison term, as they both suffer from the same hate and u most likely arent guna have a problem with the early drops. also tumble magnet with so much prolifirate is just as good as removal so :) i would say: -4 prison term -4 steel overseer -2 contagion engine (its a bit expensive for what your trying to do) -2 priests of norn (i thought as u put them in originally i guess you like them :P) (-4 plains depending on budget) +3 tumble magnet +3 oblivion ring +4 courpse cur +2 signal pest (+4 inkmoth dependant on budget) if u feel ive gone to far just say xD sorry just liked the deck and wanted to chop in a few ideas :) let me know what ya think. ^.^
by the looks of it when u build the sideboard it might be worth adding a SoWaP as if you look at the top 8 of starcity standard from this weekend just gone the top 8 decks being: Mono Red 1st placees Mono Red 2nd place U/W Illusions 3rd place U/W Blade 4th place U/W Aggro 5th place Tempered Steel 6th place Tempered Steel 7th place Solar Flare 8th place with all those decks but two being very very agro its probibly quite representitive of how standards gone be for a lil while untill it stablises. and WaP is just guna do some much more against mono red on the other hand if u compare yours and the W/U blade deck that came 4th possible things to think about would be geist, consecrated sphinx and possibly even hero of blade hold. as if he picks up a sword and isnt delt with he can just win on his own. heres the list
hm interesting, the 1 mana creatures are there as it helps makes the deck alot first as well as getting ur first stages. In terms of 5 drops i would expect to cut hippogryph before the slimes or archon but all can be used to pod into at diffrent circumstances depending what im playing against. slimes are great against steel and i would say its more likely needing to answer a threat then to bring back a pod, because if ur pods dead how do you get to it in the first place other then luck the draw.... also theres isnt actually 11 five drops in the deck. only 4 creatures and the 2 venser's apparently its a bug to do with the phyrexian mana. in terms of the image it really helps in podding up, you can play it copying a 5 drop such as acidic slime or archon. pod it away then to fetch sun titan (as pod doesnt target the creature it just says sacrifice), then sun titan can bring it back straight away as another copy of sun titan or whatever else im looking to copy at the time. it gets great value even with its weakness. but i may concider adding in a extra phyrexian metamorph im really trying to find something to cut to place a peace strider in but cant decide, as it goes so well with the hypogryph against aggro decks as a life gain method
awesome cheers. i do like venser in gerneral, as it works well with the blade splicer, solemn and stonehorn. and allows the time to get up to whatever it takes to win. im hoping in next few sets there will be a green white or blue sac outlet for a infinite combo with sun titan and fiend hunter.
my concern i guess with the moldgraf is that its more of a win more card rather then something that will affect the game distractly if u are behind. hence why i picked elesh norn over it, im not sure though, it does seem interesting to try out
no i think the mana producer number is right. im currently working with 7, 4bop and 3 pilgrim, getting rid of the elves completely. im just not sure how much presence superion will have once its on the board as it can easily be chump blocked. skaab ruinator i do agree is a great 1/2 of in the deck but superion has really failed to impress when i test. if you would could you have a quick look at my build and see what you think could be improved in it. cheers :)
ive got that in my pod in the sideboard plan, but i didnt like it main deck as much as it does normally rely on you actually getting a pod out which u dont do everygame. just was wondering a few things. moldgraf mostrosity is a interesting carad which i hadnt thought about before. but how do u plan on getting it out most the time? also how do you feel with myr superion and skaab in the deck as does it come up oftern enough that you would want too even pod out of them as most the time they seem like dead cards if u do draw them..
hmm good points. i do like the snap caster, and midnight haunting does definately help. how do u feel about alternative swords rather then just 4 of FaF or do u feel FaF is just that much stronger? and with midnight haunting. do u feel it would always be a 4 of or is the activation cost to restrictive? sorry to ask so many questions :p i just like the deck :) also if u wouldnt mind having a quick look at my pod list and seeing what ya think and any advice?
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