Thanks! I will probably try your version out when I get the chance
Thanks! I have gone back and forth on a lot of the things you mentioned like the farseeks and the mana leaks were things I took out and put back in a lot during testing. The kiora also seemed very matchup dependent so I can see why it would be weak here. Any suggestions on some stuff I could put in if I drop some of the things you mentioned? Also if I were to spend any more significant money on this lands would be the first thing I would fix haha
I see now, nice
Assuming you never hard cast that angel I think underground river (blue black pain land) might cost less money than city of brass along with hurting your life total a little bit less sometimes. Cool deck, fun to see actual budget deck for legacy haha
Yes combo was one thing I was concerned about, probably need to find a spot for duress and stuff like it.
I stayed away from the oblivion ring effects with the exception of seal away because most of them are either socercy speed, 3 mana, or too conditional for my liking. I felt like 2 mana removal was just better in most cases. Although I do like the sphere of safety plan, I felt like I needed to run ghostly prison for that card to be worth it and prison is a tad out of budget range. I also kinda feel like fiend hunter and friends are a bit too fragile unless there is a specific synergy with them. I do like the white suns zenith idea though, I will look into that, thanks for the suggestions!
good ol lava axe haha
thats acutally genius haha
oh i forgot about the interaction with soul warden yeah id leave it in then!
This deck is looking sweet. The only thing I might suggest is switching ugin's insight and maybe the soul warden for cheaper draw like serum visions? I feel like the jace covers the 5 mana card draw for you pretty well
Maybe a similar effect to the tokens could be achieved using cards like squadron hawk that let you get out a lot of non token dudes? Not nearly as good as tokens but if you have 4 hawks out with the reflections that's still 5 damping sphere
Nice deck you'd destroy mine haha
if you mill yourself thought scour is pretty good
Joraga war caller, dwyen's elite, and collected company could all be fun to add. Also bloodbraid elf is cool but it is banned I think.
Also myr superion could be fun
If you want myr deck deck i feel like 4x myr galvanizer is basically required
Yeah, probably good not to change anything just in case they make another new minotaur in the next set
I feel like rageblood shaman is too good to not have 4, but still a cool deck! best name
Nice deck, maybe you could have spreading seas instead of seas claim because it draws a card, and dismal backwater is the same as frost marsh except you lose snow but it gives 1 life
Yeah good point thanks for the help!
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