I really wish high sentinels of arashin was in here, but I don't what I'd take out, this deck is just too good
mistmeadow witch can't be your commander, she's not legendary
jeskai miracles*
I'd run ashnod's altar instead of phyrexian altar
I like the deck, but I would replace the deputy of acquitals with quickling, and kor hookmaster with azorius arrester
love this deck. I just opened a booster box, and I always love trying to make a deck out of the contents. This deck will also be a fun deck to use against my friend who just started. Love this deck!
You can't run fervor in your edh deck. It's not in your commander's colors
just imagine preeminent captiain into captain of the watch
this is a really cool budget deck. Definitely good for anybody coming into magic. I might have main-boarded preeminent captain though
what an original idea *sarcasm*the m14 game had a deck almost exactly the same, the only difference being your instants and sorcery's
I already run a deck like this, and I would recommend running a full playset of aqueous form, as by the time you've got an aqueous form on your flame speaker adept, winning the game is only a matter of turns