
25 Decks, 73 Comments, 6 Reputation

Ok.. help me understand. What is the deal with Jackal Pup, and what is the appeal of Barbarian Ring?

Posted 16 June 2011 at 05:45 as a comment on The Power of Lightning


I guess technically you could use the blinding souleaters to keep flyers tapped, but that seems clumsy. Best you can do with what ya got though!

Posted 16 June 2011 at 05:31 in reply to #171604 on Souleater Theme


It looks like you currently have 21 land, and of those many can produce several variations of mana types. Cut it back to 20, and you can slip the extra Grave Pact in.

Posted 16 June 2011 at 05:28 in reply to #171528 on R/B Grave Pact


Needs Fling! :)

Ball Lightning/Arc Runner -> Attack -> Sac/Fling = Ouch.

Posted 14 June 2011 at 22:34 as a comment on Red Smash


That's what the breeding pit is for, I believe.

Posted 14 June 2011 at 22:13 in reply to #171733 on Dorito


Wow..... I LOVE this deck! I am probably going to build something very similar to this.. it's right up my alley I think.

Edit: I had mentioned before about the version of Kjeldoran Dead you linked not having the correct creature type, but there are other versions that have been updated to read 'Skeleton', so it's a non-issue. Sorry! Heh.

Posted 14 June 2011 at 21:48 as a comment on Dorito


Very similar to something I was going to put together. I love it! :)

Posted 14 June 2011 at 21:30 as a comment on land destruction


I posted from my phone before, now that I'm at my PC I can go into further detail on some questions and suggestions.

It seems to me like the way you currently have things set up, you have it geared toward multiplayer games. (All the cards that say 'each player' like Lethemancer, Rotting Rats, and Burning Inquiry) One of the issues I see here is that these will cause you to discard as well, and you have no graveyard recovery. How are you going to fare if you're discarding all your stuff as well, with no way to bring it back (and no benefit to you for throwing it away)?

Dementia Bat is really, really expensive for what it does for you.. 5 mana for a 2/2 flyer? And then you have to pay another 5 mana to sac it and get the discard effect you want. Very not worth it, in my eyes.

I would definitely replace the Dementia Bat and Liliana's Specter with Guul Draz Specter and Hypnotic Specter. I would leave the Blazing Specters in.. they seem like a good fit, and as you say - they have haste! :)

The Lethemancer and the Rats as I said, cause you to discard your stuff as well. I would replace the Rotting Rats with Ravenous Rats - same cost and effect, just on a single opponent instead of all players. You could replace the Lethemancer with some Sangromancers. I know the Sangs don't have discard directly, but they cause you to gain 3 life for every card your opponent discards. That's a hefty boon in this deck. Just a suggestion on that, but either way I'd replace the Lethemacers.

Burning Inquiry again makes you discard your own cards as well. Great if you don't have anything in hand, but what are the chances you've played everything you can? You might consider replacing those with Mind Twist, Mind Shatter, or Wrench Mind.

Lastly, you might consider using some dual land like Akoum Refuge (pretty cheap), and cutting your total land back to 20. Could do something like 3 Mountain, 2 Grixis Panorama, 4 Akoum Refuge, and 11 Swamp. This gives technically gives you 7 Mountain, 15 Swamp, and 2 Colorless (which you can use to fish up a land type you need, if needed).

Cutting back your land to 20 would allow you to add a few more useful cards in, like Scepter of Fugue and 2 more of The Rack.

Anyhow, just friendly observations and suggestions! Good luck and have fun. :)

Posted 14 June 2011 at 19:59 in reply to #171684 on No cards for you.


I like it, but I agree there seems to be a few odd card choices. It may just be your preference which is fine. I have a discard deck myself. Take a look if you like maybe you'll get some ideas, and feel free to comment.

Posted 14 June 2011 at 18:41 as a comment on No cards for you.


Very nice! Good synergy and balance.

Posted 14 June 2011 at 05:35 as a comment on Disco Inferno


I quite like it. Though with grave pact being the focus of the deck i'd probably have 4 just to make sure you draw it early hopefully.

Posted 14 June 2011 at 05:31 as a comment on R/B Grave Pact


This deck looks annoying as hell! HAHA. But, it looks decent and I it would probably be fun in a group setting to pull out every once in awhile. Nice job.

Posted 14 June 2011 at 05:22 as a comment on Budget : Lucky me (30$)


Regardless, I still like it. Nice theme to it, and really it seems playable.. only thing I'd be concerned about is the lack of flyers/flyer defence.

Posted 14 June 2011 at 05:12 as a comment on Souleater Theme


This is simple, and it has good synergy. I like it.

Fire Servant, Outrage, and Chancellor are all a bit expensive to play, but I totally see why you have the Servant and Chancellor in there.

IMO, I like Chandra's Outrage but it's costly for a burn spell.. particularly if you're just looking to pump the Spitfires and Kiln Fiends. Might think about Lava Spikes or Arc Trails instead.

The suggestion about the Shrine of Burning Rage is also a good one.. could consider doing 3 of on a couple things to put 2 shrines in.

Just some things to consider, but overall I quite like this deck.

Posted 14 June 2011 at 05:02 as a comment on Flaming destruction


You might consider some Jhoira's Timebugs. You can tap them to remove time counters without paying mana costs.

I see clearly what you're going for here so that may or may not fit in exactly how you like, but they really help in getting counters off (or on!) quickly. They're also cheap to play, so they can be used as a chump block if absolutely necessary.

Posted 14 June 2011 at 04:35 as a comment on to suspend or not to suspend


Thank you for this suggestion! I have no idea why I didn't think of putting in Great Furnace, etc.. haha.

The Mox Opals would be nice, but I don't own any and I'm not buyin em! haha.. but yes, great advice and thank you again.

Posted 12 June 2011 at 10:44 in reply to #170549 on Boom and Burn and NOM!


All these comments about not having creatures is funny... in a proper burn deck creatures aren't really a worry. You should be burning your opponent from the first or second turn, and I doubt putting out creatures is going to help your opponent keep pace.

Agreed... no lightning bolt? Red staple..

Posted 01 June 2011 at 06:45 as a comment on 4 Turn Burn


You must have missed the 15 mana acceleration cards he's got in there. ¦¿

Looks sick man. I like it.

Posted 01 June 2011 at 05:11 as a comment on Legion of Wurms


looks pretty smexy now :)

Posted 01 June 2011 at 01:52 as a comment on Indestructible Lich


Also.. just noticed, you have an awful lot of mana in here for a very low cost deck. Just overcompensating so you can hopefully pay for tutor as soon as possible?

Posted 31 May 2011 at 07:54 as a comment on Indestructible Lich


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