Argentum Armor!! Totally need at least 1 in here. My version of a puresteel deck - i haven't managed to best it yet, but i'm working on it.
I like the deck, but I casually threw a deck together that really surprised me. Everyone is raving about the speed of this one, so I net-decked it against mine...mine chewed it up and spat it out 3 games in a row, without a sideboard. Biggest slow downs for this deck in my games was the relative short supply of black mana - cranial plating doesn't do much when you cant equip it. Actually mana was an issue a couple of times in general, not sure if there are enough sources. It is rather daunting when you see a 5-card lay down on turn 1, but not unbeatable. I found removing the ravager fairly effective as well - sure a 2/2 ornithopter can be annoying, but hardly a game winner. There's the deck that ate this one. Argentum Armor on the table and hitting you by turn 4. Latest I've had the armor out is turn 5. As soon as that happens the biggest or nastiest thing on the table disappears quick, and gimps affinity quick. YMMV though. It was only 3 games, maybe it was just crappy draws or something.
you can only have 1 on the table at a time, not 1 in your deck.
you could easily remove the Sporoloth Ancient, and the Thelonite Hermit. The hermit is very expensive to just drop 4 measly saprolings. With a doubling season, you get plenty of saprolings every turn, so the ancient is really redundant. If however, you want another good fungus in there, put in sporesowers. I've run a deck like this a couple times...they are INSANELY powerful in the late game, but very very weak in the early game. You are dependent on getting 5 mana quickly to drop anything worth having, and then you are still susceptible to a board wipe. There is something infinitely satisfying about dropping a couple hundred saprolings on the table in one turn though!
Want to have some real fun with it? Add doubling season in....all your +1/+1 counters are now +2/+2 each... or -6/-6 wither? slap 2 doubling seasons down and you can practically drop the biggest eldrazi with one hit. (indestructible does not prevent -1/-1 counters from killing them). C&C + slimdown ideas welcome :)
Yeah, the ideal conditions don't really ever happen, but it is nice to do a little math and see what might happen. How did you manage to get 663 trillion? was that going through the entire deck? I think I may have managed to get the deck slimmed down a bit (65) and keep the core theme and mechanics intact. I'll construct it soon and get it posted.
Hold on, just realized that if you put in 2 sporesowers, and the saproloth ancient, you'd actually be making 491,520 saprolings from EACH thallid = 1,474,560 saprolings per turn. ... you might want to let them build up for a turn or two before throwing down an overrun or two. Ah hell...let's throw 1 (let's not be greedy) coat of arms into the equation: 1,474,560 Saprolings that all are 1,474,564/1,474,564 creatures with overrun giving them trample = 2,174,338,990,096 trample damage. (2 trillion and change) Throw in an eldrazi monument and they can all fly in to do their damage, and you don't have to worry about a board wipe.
Actually soulknife, you can get even more with this setup (assuming you get all the cards) 5 upkeeps 8 doubling seasons 2 Sporesower Thallid 1 Saproloth Ancient Each Thallid then would produce 1x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2 = 256 counters. Each Thallid also gets 256 counters from each of the 2 sporesower thallids, totaling 768 Counters. Multiply by 5 upkeeps = 3840 Counters. The Saproloth Ancient means you only need 2 counters to make a saproling, so that is 1920 saprolings. Or is it? Doubling season comes back again for putting tokens into play, so that would total 1920x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2 = 491,520 Saproling Token creatures. Let me know if my math is off there. I think almost 1/2 a million 1/1 creatures would be enough, but you could throw overrun in there if you really want some overkill. ^_^
How on earth would those 3 cards get that much mana? They each only add 1 mana... 30 rats=90 mana total.... math doesn't add up, unless I'm missing something.
isn't this the coalition deck from coalition vs. phyrexia? It works, but it's slow.