I can see what you're trying to do here, but for a deck trying to win with Test of Endurance, there isn't much life gain. Martyr of Sands and Wall of Hope, and Beacon of Immortality are the only cards that do, and Peacekeeper, while awesome, will get rid of the life gaining from Wall of Hope. Looks good control wise; I'm sure i'd get pissed off a bit while playing it, just needs moar life! :P
Ideally i would want something that would give all my walls flying instead of just four creatures that have it. Or have something that would make all flying creatures useless, but that would require me switching to white and blue, which i was thinking of doing but don't really want too. Thanks for the ideas though guys!
It could though, if i were to have played Celestial Convergence. I'll take a look at your deck later!
I wouldn't put in Priest of Titania's. You have plenty of mana already with Llanowar Elves and the Archdruid. What you need is draw, so i would take two of each of the Rhys' and put in 4 Harmonizes, or something else that can let you draw more.
My Assassin deck is better :P Check it out if you'd like, i'd appreciate it: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=44342 Yours is almost like mine but mine has more to it. I'd take out the Doom Blades for Death Strokes, because you're not restricted from black creatures with Death Stroke. Quest for the Gravelord is interesting though.
I think with all the Black and White creatures you have a couple Deathbringer Lieges would work well. Maybe put them in for Kokusho, i've never liked that it had to die for it's effect. I have a Life Gaining deck to on here too. If you could comment on it that would be awesome!
It's definitely a good card, but it's seems too expensive/slow, when i want the deck to be cheap and fast. It was one of the last cards i took out though.
Yeah i might take it out. I think it would be cool but if i can find anything else that can back it up i'll probably just toss the black.
Cool combo indeed, but the odds of this happening are very high haha. Comment my merfolk deck is you can please!
This looks pretty good. The only thing i see it being weak too are decks with bigger creatures. And the one thing that would worry me is not enough creatures that stay on the field which could leave you open to attacks. If you can comment on my merfolk deck please!
NightCrawler66! Just joined a week or so ago. Any help on my decks would be awesome!
You should put in more bigger vampires, unless this is supposed to be basic. Take out maybe Quag Vampires for Mephidross Vampire. Put in Blade of the Bloodchief and take out Deaths Shadow. You're going to be gaining life so it'll be harder to play it, and i'm not much a fan of it haha. And of course if you can, put in Vampire Nocturnus.
I put in Phyrexian Arena's to help with that a bit. Should i put in some Tutors?
Any feedback would be great!
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