sick deck. the first deck we had that was invulnerable to the other decks was similar to this. Hated to play it :) BTW do you guys have a specific and good place to buy cards online? or any specific stores on ebay?
except enduring ideal says copy at the start of upkeep...
I have a question for anyone looking at this: if i have a paradox hazes out and have played enduring ideal, can I get another paradox haze out during my first upkeep, then have an additional 2 upkeeps after that?
cool deck :) sorry this question has nothing to do with this deck, but if i have some thallids going including deathspore, go to sack some saprolings to make one of the opponents guys -3/-3 (enough to kill it), can the opponent, in response, unsummon the deathspore to cancel out the -3/-3? or does the minus go on the stack and simply resolve after the deathspore has returned to my hand?
57 cards? add some more artifacts or nature's spiral man. Not sure i totally get this deck with so few artifacts in it... more metamorphs?
also dude you reckon you could check out my 2 main fungus decks? Main One: Funghi and Elves:
Changed again
Man, my first deck was fungus and i LOVE them. love all your fungus decks! Ive got a few questions for you about stuff you dont run: Running blue can be cool, you can run inexorable tide, and also xenograft which makes all saps into funghi and paradox haze. You can remove counters between upkeeps (with haze and xenograft out) to double your army several times a turn. You can also run Copy Enchantment to copy DS or Haze. Running white can be cray cray - the pallid mycoderm is insane for ramping up damage. after blockers are declared you can sack the blocked saps and saps with summoning sickness. You also dont run life and limb, which admittedly can be dangerous for the health of your forests (when i run that i sub in 4 green artifact lands to be a little safer). Can be cool. Also i have found fecundity to be quicker at card draw than psychotrope thallid, although you sacrifice the extra fungus out. you can keep sacing for mana and drawing a card (with utopia out). Symbiotic deployment can be cool, although it sucks to be tapped out. also wonder why you dont run saproling symbiosis? im planning on getting some, i think they can make you faster. Also overgrown battlement can be cool when running shell-dweller, but i've actually found BoP to be faster overall. anther sick thing with black (apart from deathspore) is butcher of malakir. You can massacre creature decks if you get some quick saprolings (such as with sap symbiosis). Ok sorry for the rant, i just love fungus decks and want to throw ideas around to try and find the perfect saproling deck.
you dont normally run sporoloth ancient? makes All saproling production 1/3 faster... then again 5 mana is heaps.
sorry meant can i sac the 3 with counters on them, and pile all 3 on the enemie's 2/2, even though only 2 counters are required to kill it?
Hey thanks to all the vault celebs. You guys rock, really friendly helpful and scary at making decks. I have a question which i think i know the answer to maybe but here goes: i have blowfly infestation out. i have 4 2/2s, 3 with a -1/-1 counter on each of them, 1 without any counters. enemy has a 2/2 with no counters. A spell forces me to sac 3 creatures. Can i sac all of the 2/2s and pile 3 -1-1 counters on the enemie's 2/2?
oh sorry this comment was meant for another deck i think
man, just fill your sideboard with emrakuls. Even when they die to the legend rule, you get 15 extra turns. You should win.
man, you may as well put an emrakul in the mainboard. as soon as you can cast him, you get that extra turn and its all worth it :)
also - jesus christ look at the mana curve. Good thing there's no card draw here.
man kithkin decks are sweet. on a side note, I friend who is about 4 foot 6, and despite the fact i used to think that was a disadvantage in some things, his ability with girls when we go out is scary. I want a height reduction so i can pretend i am him.
also dont know what the point of having arbor elves is, since you have no enchant forest cards. Might as well be llanys on the really slim chance you dont draw basic forests.
all this talk of stompy nearly makes me cry. I remember the days when me and my bro bought about 1500 cards randomly from ebay and had a pretty bad ally deck versus my stompy deck. Gigantiform, a few mana elves,Duskdale Wurm, some other random big green creatures. The days before we knew of good decks. So much possibility. By the way, cool deck ;)
Hey man, i have a question If you steal a 1/1 creature with necroskitter then use BSZ, you dont get the creature again, right? because necroskitter only steals stuff under opponents control... btw using cauldron haze on dying enemy 1/1s with necroskitter out is really funny. Although BSZ does similar thing. Cool deck :)
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