Sorry, I wanted to see if anyone would see them, they are Vampire Hexmage+Dark Depths Sword of the Meek+Thopter Foundry (To awesome to get rid of it) and Erayo, Soratami Ascendant+Rule of Law You can gifts tutor and get both of the first combo by getting: Grim Discovery+Natures Spiral+Dark Depths+Vampire Hexmage the secon'd combo you can get by doing the same only double spiral+thopter foundry+sword and the muddle the mixtures can tutor for most things including Jitte, and (SB) Life from the loam
My deck uses this combo in a slightly different way (Along with some others), it makes the deck more versatile, how come you aren't using Gifts Ungiven? +1
Unearth's great because it creates 2 for 1 card advantage.
Try and play around hate.
Sorry, I forgot: The last thing I wanted to say is that any deck worth its salt should be able to sideboard against this deck.
This deck has an amatur feeling to it, the following cards are unnessesary: Heritage Druid, all of your elves tap for mana apart from them and the druid guy, I'd take them out so that you only have 60 cards and are therefor more likely to draw cards, then take out the llanowar mentor, hes useless, you have so much mana all ready that you don't wanna discard cards, I'd put in primal commands in stead because you have so much mana ramp. The coat of arms is also pointless because in this deck you either take control of lands and overrun your opponent with a hord of weenies or else you lose, you don't need to have overkill. Put in two garruks, much more efficient. You don't need the pack hunt because all of your creatures you only need one of (Besides llanowar elves/fyndhorn elves and if your playing pack hunt it just becomes over kill again) Some cards to put in are Nissa Revinue when it comes out and protection in the form of Vexing shusher (I know it sorta sucks but I think that it would work)
Dude, you stole this from the building on a budget, know I wouldn't mind if you said "This is my version of cascade balance" but...
You don't need swarmyard
Also you want 60 card decks, the smaller the better.
I know your new to this but what you said above "Because why have a white part of the deck unless you want healing." Alot of the best decks (Disreagarding 5CC) Are either mono or one color. If I were you I would drop white. It isn't doing much in that deck to begin with and it will smooth out the mana-base, also I would add some nonbasic lands. I hope this helps
you have almost as much pump spells as elves...that's just wrong. Also you aren't playing with Imparious Perfect, and Elvish archdruid...And what the hell is mist leopard doing in there?
Also balance is banned in everything apart from vintage were it's restricted along with demonic tutor...
It's a very solid deck but I would move the O rings to sb and put in two more Ajani Vengents, Also I would fix up the mana base...You have a triple red creature and a double white creature...Not gonna happen.