Nissa Revane Elf Deck

by nickelpat on 21 March 2011

Main Deck (64 cards)

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Deck Description

My first Elf deck, based around Nissa Revane. The idea is to summon elves quickly, kick Joraga Warcaller a lot, get out the Elvish Archdruid. Then get Nissa to 9, use her final to get out any elves still not out (and until them getting tons of life), and then just wrecking. Attacking without all of them at that point is less of a worry since Copperhorn Scout untaps them so I can block again, and they should all be around +20/+20 (between the mana that all the cards provide and both Warcallers, assuming we're ten turns in and I have laid one mana and one creature per turn. I usually lay two each turn after 4 or 5, since they generate so much mana, this is also assuming Archdruid is out).

The rest of the cards are to make sure I stay alive until then.

I have playtested it a few times and lost twice and won twice. One loss was my own stupidity (I forgot one of my card's effects and didn't untap after an attack), The other was an honest loss. The two wins were both very good wins. By 100 or so points of damage. Nissa only came out one of the four games.

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Deck at a Glance

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This deck has been viewed 196 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

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