I appreciate you taking my suggestions. Thanks. I started drawing some hands with the new build and just trying to get a feel for how it will run. I think having Diabolic Tutor was initially a good idea but now I'm not so convinced. I think the deck can fair alright without that card. I was thinking instead that it might be nice to only play green/white cards in this deck. (Sorry, so much for just taking your good stuff and running with it) I think it'll make everything run smoother by eliminating that double black mana cost. In its place I was thinking Explore would be a good card to run with. Maybe 4 of them is too much (budget wise) but even adding two, dropping the swamps and a couple of the evolving wilds will help streamline this deck. Not to mention the creatures (lands) have a quicker way of getting on the battlefield and it allows for a little card draw. If you only add 2 feel free to add back in 2 lands or heck maybe even 2 rampant growths. Hope that helps, I'll let you know once I'm able to put this all together and give it a shot.Now to slightly change the topic. I made a new deck and was curious if you'd check it out? It doesn't fall into your budget genre by any means but maybe there is a card or two or fifty you know of that could help. I'm putting it together for matches against my friends - casual format. It's a mill deck. I think the world might like it...well minus my opponents anyways.http://www.mtgvault.com/nickdabeefstick/decks/first-turn-milli-think/
So I just noticed this and it doesn't really matter since I only usually play against friends, but what card is preventing this deck from being modern legal?
I'm open to all suggestions. However, these are all cards I have. Glimpse the Unthinkable is fun...but pricey. But hey maybe I'll win the lottery. So let's hear what you've got!
I may be pushing it (the budget) here but I think I've found a solid way to make sure you get more wins than not....Pariah. I'll try and take a look tonight and see if I can't keep it under 20 bucks in the blue box by adding one of that card. It would be a difficult decision trying to determine what indestructible land to put it on....but once you decided it would make things very frustrating for your opponents. :)
Well I'm not sure how many people are a fan of this deck but you can add me to that column. (first +1...come on front page!) I will be putting this one together tonight but I do have some changes I'll be making. I'm new at Magic so I do appreciate the budget aspect whole heartedly. I'll keep that in mind when I suggest some changes to make this more playable (in my mind). Regardless, my buddies are probably going to give off some very confused looks when this deck hits the table. Quick question - Does Nature's Revolt make your opponent's lands creatures too? I think yes... I think bountiful harvest is a cool card with this much land but I also feel like it's way too slow. Instead, Rest for the Weary will do essentially the same thing at a fraction of the cost and at instant speed. That way late game you aren't as tied up for mana after casting a Bountiful Harvest and can use it for other shennanigans. -3 Bountiful Harvest +4 Rest for the Weary (I'm good at math...) I think Khalni Heart Expedition might be a little better. It's 2 cmc (learning the lingo) and can help to fill in the curve a little better than Explosive Vegetation. -3 Explosive Diarrhea +3 Khalni Heart Expedition (Getting better...) Having only 1 Crawlspace is fine but I think we are still going to run into issues with creatures in the early game. So I've thought of this crazy card not many have heard of....Fog. If we can Fog our way into the late game while adding life along the way from Rest for the Weary, then we should have enough land creatures to be able to do some serious damage. Because like you said, "if you have 10 lands and your opponent has 4-5, it doesn't really matter". I couldn't agree more. BUT where's the fun in winning with sheer numbers? Why not do something crazy and Overrun your opponent's face?! So with that: +4 Fogs +3 Overruns -3 Putrefy (If you diabolic tutor the crawlspace and combine that with the lifegain and fogs, I don't know if this is necessary) -5 Lands ( I think with the Khalni Heart Expeditions you'll be able to get to more of your lands and also with Bountiful Realms 33 might be overkill) One concern is the double black cost of Diabolic Tutor. Maybe another swamp is necessary? Maybe not. With Khalni Heart you can search for one or pair if need be. Hopefully this helps. I'll try and test it in the next week or so and let you know.
I'm very new to magic, but I don't think Karametra fits...you have no basic lands...
So this is one of my favorite decks to play. It does in fact work and it works well. It doesn't matter if it's multiplayer or 1v1 it's loads of fun. The last time I looked at this deck there weren't any Jinxed Chokers in it. I modified it slightly and added Ruric Thar, the Unbowed. It does kind of mess with the mana but when he hits the battlefield it's easy game over. Plus, he's easy on the wallet. I wonder if you might give some suggestions for keeping the theme of the deck the same but adding in him? What would you add/take away to make it work consistently with Ruric Thar? Thanks.
Sweet. Those all makes sense. I'll have to order a couple of cards, which is fine. Luckily I have the Pacifisms and at least one Oblivion Ring so I can switch those in immediately. Also, I did order 4 Prison Term. I think that it would be really nice to have in multiplayer. Usually I end up playing 2v2 or a 4 -6 person FFA. Think those make sense in a multiplayer environment? Anything come to mind for those formats that could offer greater benefit?
Well cool, thank you. I do have just one deck listed. (Most decks I break up right away and try something new if it doesn't work.) It's far from an original idea but is fun to play and holds its own. Any suggestions would be helpful and greatly appreciated.
I'm new to magic and this thing is really helpful. (Would have been nice 4 months ago... ;) ) It took awhile to catch on (I'm still learning) but this will be so nice to introduce my cousins to the game. This entire site has been instrumental in teaching/showing me so many strategies. I'm grateful for it. So, thank you.
You could counter mill with pyschic spiral. Would be pretty funny actually.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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