
0 Decks, 6 Comments, 0 Reputation

This deck looks annoying! This is great for land destruction, but where's the damage at? Looks more like a recipe for a stalemate. I suppose you can ping them to death with poison the well and driller layer. Even then it would still be hard to do enough damage to kill them. You had better hope they went second and drew a card first, because this deck is reliable to last until someone is decked. Playing against counters or burn decks this isn't very good either.

Posted 09 September 2009 at 08:57 as a comment on Black Vise


pretty decent, but you're not doing much without 8 cards out of 60 being your 4 underworld dreams and megrim. however it does well at stalling until those are drawn.

Posted 04 September 2009 at 09:17 as a comment on Discard Done Right!!!


sorry, didnt mean to double post!!!

Posted 03 September 2009 at 20:13 as a comment on I get some, You lose some


decent, but pretty expensive. the cheap creatures are pretty easy to knock off too. if you arent able to get honor of the pure out you're pretty much a sitting duck until mana becomes available.

Posted 03 September 2009 at 20:12 as a comment on I get some, You lose some


decent, but pretty expensive. the cheap creatures are pretty easy to knock off too. if you arent able to get honor of the pure out you're pretty much a sitting duck until mana becomes available.

Posted 03 September 2009 at 20:08 as a comment on I get some, You lose some
