what is this shit, bro makes no sense.
i like ur deck but i think u should take out 1 unburial rites and put in one more doom blade. other than tht its a pretty solid deck. hope i helped. p.s. solar flare is white, blue, and black
this deck doesnt look quick at all. it looks very slow actually. if u want to have a quick vampire deck the highest cmc should be 4 or 5 tops. i would take out the high cost shit and put in quicker less cmc vamps and then the fun can begin
i like your deck but i beat my vampire deck can beat yours
this is horrible what were u thinking?
vampires are suppose to be quick and painful the most tht any vampire deck should hve is either a 4 cmc or a 5 cmc other than tht ur deck will be slow and late game. try to put some of the cheaper vampires in ur deck, even though i dnt like some of the cheaper ones, u might if ud like u can take a look at my vampire deck for a reference. Deck link: i hope this helps u.
put in 10 plains and swamps for ur mana, take out all of the onyx mages, and pacicfisms and maybe the spirit mantle down to 3 and same with the bonds of faith down to 3 also. but other than tht ur deck looks pretty fun. i hope this helps u with ur deck.
emrakul cant be ur general bc hes colorless and all ur creatures hve to be the same color(s) as ur general
moonmist is useless bc u dnt hve any werewolves in ur deck
too many cards drop it to 60 if you can and infect is suppose to be fast
i like your deck a lot there are better vampires tht you could but in instead of viscera, pulse tracker, lacerator, and hexmage. Vampires are OP, if you know how to play them right. Check out my Vampire deck and comment please.
need more nighthawks
this i a very bad imitation of a vampire deck
hey check out my vampire deck. Deck link:
take out the priests and put in some more mana
consercrated sphinx, niv, and crawler
i would put in another champion of the parish so you have a better chance of getting him out
heartless summoning only works for creature spells not instants/sorceries/enchantments/planewalkers
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