Banefire is the superior card it cant be counter since most of the time you'll be using it to kill someone and if you copy it you can kill multiple people in 1 go as long as they aren't running a life gain deck or prevent non combat damage.
M19 is out so you can now add Into the Nexus and Banefire to the deck.
One of my other wins consisted of my using rite of replication on dual caster mage to go infinite and killing everyone next turn
you might want to consider running Enter the Infinite to speed things up with your deck when I played the deck it felt like i was dragging the game on by taking 10+ extra turns because of X amount of Will emblems and Primal Wellspring. Playing Laboratory Maniac and ending your turn will pretty much guarantee you the win afterwards if you take another turn.
Alright so after some more play testing I made a fatal mistake. While making the deck more budget friendly I seem to have taken out most of the win conditions so when I don't have Chandra's emblem active taking extra turns consists of me drawing cards then taking extra turns to draw and copy burn spells to hopefully kill off 1 person, maybe even swing with the gods for some damage. With the amount of planeswalkers in this deck I'm surprised there isn't a Chain Viel either because if you get enough you can use it along with Teferi/Ral and Nyxthos/Gilded Lotus/Sol Ring to keep untapping them in order to get a ton of loyalty counters.
Well since I play with a group I end up being a lesser priority of a target since I was using a new deck. It helps that one of my friends plays an infinite combo deck and another plays graveborn. The mana rocks help out since there are so many high costing cards in this deck list. (Tons of 4-6 cost spells) Also if you want to play another Twincast you can add in Reverberate. Maybe add in Reliquary Tower or Thought Vessel for that unlimited hand size if you cant get Tamiyo off. Consider adding Rhystic Study to your deck it's really helpful overall for fuel.
Some changes I would make if I wasn't so well off
I'm going to test out your deck list with most of the cards intact but I'll be removing some of the expensive cards like Jace MS, snapcaster, and scalding tarn. Going to add in more mana rocks like hedron archive and mind stone. Replacing scalding tarn with terramorphic expanse and evolving wilds. Basically making more budget friendly overall. I essentially chopped the deck cost down from $1,300~ to $250~
1 mana is the difference between paying 75 cents and 3 dollars.
Add Shivan Meteor just for the lols. Its a big f**k you to the enemy.
Any recommendations if any?