I'll definately try out both Ajani additions. And I can see Sun Titan at two. I'll play around with it for sure. Thats why I came here. "Help and other peoples advice" :D I wish I could play figure. Figure is SOO much better. The whole leveling as an instant is way better then sorcery. Also I haven't really matched up with too much infect. It really isn't in the local meta here.
Also I made some minor changes. I have been playtesting with the deck and i think this makes it run smoother now. I dropped the count of Sun Titan, Tectonic Edge, and Student of Warfare. I put in another plains and put in Inquisitor Exarch.
Your right in that. I wont be hitting the land drop every turn. Thats why i have chumpers and lots of life gain. And I think you are forgetting about the fact that i will get EVERY plains out on the board. It doesn't take long for the initial 6 lands to hit the ground. Once I play the first sun titan, He can bring back fetch lands. (every time he attacks.) Thus ramps into the remaining plains. So yes. I can see if I was only using the fetch lands once, then it wouldn't be viable. However this deck is meant to utilize them many many times. (Btw thanks for commenting. I really like discussing different options and seeing other peoples criticism :) )
Deck thinning. Thats one less land I'm able to draw. At that point I would rather draw cards that do stuff. Not a land. Also it works better in this case because of the reanimator aspects of the deck. Also If you look at the sideboard. It is a quick efficient way to get black.
I thought about baneslayers. They are too expensive. They levelers actually fit really nicely in because of the sword. And mortarpods and basilisk collars would actually be easier to get because of stoneforge mystics. Also the life gain is part of the decks strat. It stalls and kills. :)
Comments would be nice. Also I have been trying to decide which I like more between Student of Warfare or Inquisitor Exarch. Also I thought about Puresteel Paladin, but I don't know think its quite a good fit. Any other ideas would be welcome.