
2 Decks, 4 Comments, 0 Reputation

Cool idea, I'd like to see more cool 'come into play' abilities though, but thats just me.

Posted 20 February 2007 at 06:48 as a comment on Blink it


You could take out blue all-together if you wanted to. To replace the research's card advantage you could just use Night's Whisper. I like the Wrath/Haakon/Peace of Mind synergy its a cool idea. There are tons of great black and white knights out there you should use some, and not Angels and Vampires you can't get out till after your opponent has used you as a mop.

Posted 20 February 2007 at 06:44 as a comment on Solar flare


Slice of 3 cards to make it an even 60, it'll run a bit smoother. Get a few more red creatures in there to even out the black/red ratio, something low-cost, rageing goblin maybe? You need mana acceleration, since you've got Urborg just use Cabal Coffers or you could throw in some dark rituals, they always get the job done. And for the love of god get rid of those Gorgons, they make me cry on the inside.

Posted 20 February 2007 at 06:32 as a comment on Embrace the Madness 2


The sideboard isn't quite right, it should also include these:
-Gurzigost 2
-Recoil 1
-Dimir Infiltrator 1

Posted 20 February 2007 at 06:04 as a comment on 100 Lashes
