nice deck
wow i didnt realize it but u did the same thing over and over so u do have more then 1 haha. in that case it looks like it can work /but hard to look out in the format u put it in
its all one of everything i think you should make it 4 of a kind of some and 0 of a kind of others
seems good/looks like it will work
i would add kilnmouth dragon
you can use Pariah with Cho-Manno, Revolutionary so u dont get damaged
this deck looks like it would work really well ;)
nice but i would add Lava Spike instead of Burst Lightning.
add Prison Term and Isamaru, Hound of Konda
seems good but you need more creatures.
pretty good for a common deck
haha thanks
not bad needs some work... need to see it in action
looks like it will work
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